News Talk for the week of Dec. 20

On December 20, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of Dec. 20

The board of Alderman passed an order for the DPW to pick up all paper boxes in the city that don‚Äôt have the stickers from city hall on them. The undercover newspaper raids netted quite the inventory of local publications. The News had two boxes without permits, but the boys at the rags across the river were seeing red when over 20 Globe and 20 Herald boxes were confiscated by the city. We didn‚Äôt check on our competition ‚ÄúThe Farm Team,‚Äù but we‚Äôre sure they‚Äôre ok. We agree with people around the city that something had to be done. There is an ordinance now that limits four boxes at a location, and in some areas around the city you can count up to 20 in some places.         

The board of Alderman passed an order for the DPW to pick up all paper boxes in the city that don‚Äôt have the stickers from city hall on them. The undercover newspaper raids netted quite the inventory of local publications. The News had two boxes without permits, but the boys at the rags across the river were seeing red when over 20 Globe and 20 Herald boxes were confiscated by the city. We didn‚Äôt check on our competition ‚ÄúThe Farm Team,‚Äù but we‚Äôre sure they‚Äôre ok. We agree with people around the city that something had to be done. There is an ordinance now that limits four boxes at a location, and in some areas around the city you can count up to 20 in some places.         
Looks like being in News Talk spotlight last week brought a little good luck to the Police Station janitor. According to our sources, he purchased a winning Lottery ticket instant game for $10K, maybe he can change the water in his bucket now and clean those door knobs.
Last Thursday evening the home of former Mayoral candidate Tony LaFuente hosted a fundraiser for the progressive candidate Marty Martinez, who has his eyes on Denise provost‚Äôs vacated seat on the Board of Aldermen. We hear it went well, all things considered (Tony is very progressive for a former Republican isn‚Äôt he?). So far just two have announced their candidacy — Marty and former alderman Jack Connolly. We still hear that Ward 1 school committee member Maureen Bistardi is seriously considering her options. Another Ward 1 resident Ellio Larusso is also considering a run.    
Don‚Äôt you just love Google?  You can google someone‚Äôs name and up pops things that some of them wish would go away but never will thanks to advancing technology. We love Google, more and more people are finding some very interesting information. A good way for us to read about possible alderman-at-large candidates is to Google their names and see what pops up. Try it.
Ronny Tauro is doing much better we hear. Recently he came out of a coma but he is resting up at the hospital now. We‚Äôre relieved and we wish him and his family a healthy new year. He‚Äôs in good hands, the entire Tauro family has been keeping close watch over him.    
Seems the secular Progressives are at it again, now they want to ban ‚ÄúSmoking in Public Places.‚Äù They‚Äôre only protecting us from our own ignorant selves you know. Ward 6 Alderman Rebekah Gewirtz is contemplating a citywide proposal ban in parks.   
Does a well known local Real Estate ‚ÄúRealtor for Life‚Äù hire illegals to do the work on his various properties thouroughout the city?  We heard from someone very close to him that he needs to save some bucks and union workers are to expensive, so he‚Äôs going to Foss Park each morning to find and exploit cheap labor. That‚Äôs what we hear anyways.
Speaking of Real Estate offices, Century 21 is sending out recruiting mail to lure agents away from other companies. Thing is, they‚Äôre even sending unsigned recruiting letters to the owners of other companies.  Business isn‚Äôt that bad is it?
Looks like the Mayor is having his Christmas Party down at Good Times, appears some here at News Talk didn‚Äôt get the special invite. We‚Äôre still wishing him a Merry Christmas anyways.  We heard about the Police Christmas Party at the Mt. Vernon. The only party we didn‚Äôt hear about is the Fireman‚Äôs party or did they have one?  Maybe they were too busy guarding the furniture at the various stations?    To all the City employees, City Hall, Police and Fire Department as well as the School Department we here at the Somerville News ‚ÄúNews Talk division‚Äù wish you all a Prosperous and Healthy New Year. 
Oh what a nice compliment last week the Boston Globe quoted our stories 6 times and linked to the web site as well. At least they give us credit, the Farm Team just goes on our web site all the time and gets their story ideas from us, oops did we say that?  We should have said and we would have said ‚Äúwe think they do,‚Äù we‚Äôre sorry. Or are we?    
The annual Somerville News and ERA The Norton Group’s Christmas Party was held last night at El Guapo’s in Ball Square. A good crowd showed up and good time was had by all. We’re not going to quote anyone from the party, it was a night off and a night to relax. The only exception was the obvious look around the room to see who might be the “Mole” or “Dr. Mrs. McCarthy” and “Brickbottom.” Some suspicions but nothing confirmed. Then again, you never know.


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