United States Marine Corporal Vin Dolan addresses the crowd at the Kiwanis Annual Tri-Club Meeting.
By William Tauro
The Somerville Kiwanis Club held its Annual Tri-Club Meeting last week with the Somerville Rotary Club and the Somerville Lions Club in attendance at the Mount Vernon Restaurant on Broadway.
Kiwanis President Isaac Machado, along with past Kiwanis President Jay Lynch and club members, hosted the event that contributed hundreds of unwrapped gifts for Toys for Tots that were donated and collected by Kiwanis’ efforts to be handed out to children for Christmas.
A special appearance by The Somerville High School Choir, displaying an outstanding performance, singing joyful festive melodies that put the crowd in immediate holiday mode was present at the event in full force.
The Somerville High School Choir is also scheduled to attend President Barack Obama’s Inauguration, as well as perform at the WorldStrides Heritage Presidential Inauguration Festival in Washington D.C., this coming January.

Lions Club President Gene Brune with the Somerville High School Choir.
During the event, Somerville Lions Club President Gene Brune presented the Somerville High School Choir with a check on behalf of the Somerville Lions Club to further assist the choir with the trip expenses to Washington D.C. next month.
Also at the event, Somerville Kiwanis Past President Robert A. Nissenbaum was honored and presented a citation by Somerville Alderman Jack Connolly for his thirty-eight years of service as a Kiwanian from when he was first inducted into the club in November of 1974 that includes being the club’s president from 1984-1985 and for being club Secretary Emeritus for twenty-five years, October 1981-1982 (1 year). Then from October 1986-1998 (12 years) and then again from October 2000-present 2012 (12 years).
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