What the city can expect from the Patrick tenure

On January 8, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

A commentary by Fred Berman and Lori Segal

Governor Patrick can do a lot that will benefit the City of  Somerville.

Understandably, Somerville residents and elected  officials will be focused on the level of Local Aid, which provides  essential funding for schools and police and fire protection.Fredb_loris_sm

But there are many other needs that have languished under prior  Administrations, and that Gov. Patrick has recognized and indicated  his willingness to tackle.

Fred Berman and Lori Segal

If he can be successful in reinvigorating our community colleges,  that would make a huge difference for Somerville residents who now  feel closed out of this important stepping stone to economic stability.

Somerville‚Äôs hopes for Green Line expansion and for a T stop at  Assembly Square are far more likely to be realized if he makes good  on his commitment to public transportation.

Patrick’s commitment to streamlined
permitting that  balances strong protections for the environment with
support for  sensible economic development bodes well for Somerville
residents who  are hoping for an Assembly Square that provides a
healthy mix of good  jobs, good homes, and attractive waterfront

The governor’s inaugural address reiterated his campaign‚Äôs  emphasis on the importance of civic engagement and of holding elected  officials accountable: the State House is OUR house, he said.   If  Governor Patrick can effectively use his ‚Äúsoapbox‚Äù to inspire  widespread embrace of those dual principles of government  accountability and shared responsibility for the wellbeing of the  community, Somerville ‚Äì and communities throughout the State ‚Äì would  benefit greatly.


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