Newstalk for Jan. 30

On February 1, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

As of today, the nomination papers for the special election are out and need to be completed and passed in by February 13th.  We wonder whose bright idea it was to have a special election primary set for April 10th – that‚Äôs six  months after Denise resigned and the final is another month later ‚Äì totaling seven months later – on May 15th‚Ķ  So far it‚Äôs just former Ward 6 Alderman Jack Connolly, who took out papers and progressive candidate Marty Martinez ‚Äì and both are out on the streets.  We‚Äôve been told Elio LoRusso has been away, but upon returning it remains to be seen if he pulls papers as well.  Anyone else???  It pays good ($25,000) and if elected chances are you‚Äôll be there until you resign or retire.

We’re hearing from a lot of sources out there on the streets, Tony LaFuente has been calling people, especially his money people, who we hear he’s not getting a good reception from…we hear he’s been out talking to people trying to put something together to mount a direct effort against Mayor Joe.

We’re still hearing rumblings in certain wards, some well known names and some not yet so well known names, considering running against some allies of Mayor Joe on the board.

Last week, the Cinema at Assembly was closed down and now we hear that Planet Fitness will be moving out of its present location and relocating into the cinema building.  Good Times Emporium bought themselves some more time to stay open by renegotiating an extension to close their doors by the end of the year!

Freddy Federico was hospitalized last week‚ĶFreddy, for those that don‚Äôt know, is known as the ‚Äúgate keeper‚Äù‚Ķwho owns Sonny‚Äôs Deli, where a big portion of the city‚Äôs rumors are exposed or, at the very least, some say are created.  He‚Äôs doing fine now and sends his regards to all and will be back watching the store shortly – we wish him a speedy recovery.

Former owner and Publisher Emeritus Bob Publicover isn‚Äôt doing well lately, he‚Äôs been experiencing some reactions to his new medicine lately and we certainly wish him the best.  He is caught sneaking out to his favorite coffee shop every now and then even though he‚Äôs not supposed to be out in this weather. 


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