Parent outraged!

On March 20, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Knife play, extortion alleged at local school
By George P. Hassett

A West Somerville Neighborhood School (WSNS) student was threatened with a knife by a fellow classmate March 5 and school authorities are covering it up to protect the school’s reputation, said the mother of the victim.

  Police Capt. Paul Upton confirmed Somerville police have applied for a complaint against the juvenile in connection with the March 5 incident. Police are not releasing any details of the case because there has not been a hearing and no complaint Wsns_pichas been issued, Upton said.
  According to the victim‚Äôs mother, an eighth grade student‚Äôs $400 razor phone was stolen by a classmate March 5. When a nearby student witnessed the theft, the pickpocket threatened the witness with a knife, the mother said. After the incident, WSNS Principal Pauline Lampropoulos waited two days to tell the victim‚Äôs parents, the mother said.   
She then told teachers and students to “keep everything under wraps,” according to the mother. The Somerville News does not release the names of victims or family members of victims.
  ‚Äú{Lampropoulos‚Äô} main concern is protecting the reputation of the West Somerville Neighborhood School, not the kids,‚Äù said the mother. ‚ÄúThe parents of Somerville do not want another Lincoln-Sudbury situation.‚Äù
  A 15-year-old student was stabbed to death Jan. 19 at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School by 16-year old classmate John Odgren.
  Superintendent of Schools Anthony Pierantozzi said school officials can not comment on the situation because it is a police matter involving minors and student records. However, Pierantozzi did make one comment on the incident.
  ‚ÄúRight now, there is an extraordinary difference of opinion from the students on what actually took place,‚Äù he said.
  After the phone was stolen, it somehow got into the hands of a male WSNS student, the mother said. The male student then told the phone‚Äôs original owner, through a series of handwritten notes, that he had the phone and would return it for $50, police said.   
Officers met with the victim and provided her with $50 to give the male student, police said. The male student arrived, collected the $50 and passed the victim the cell phone, police said. Officers then entered the area and arrested the juvenile for receiving stolen property over $250.      


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