Newstalk for April 4 2007

On April 4, 2007, in Latest News, by The News Staff

The Special Election primary is next Tuesday, so make sure you get out and vote for Votesmartbuttonyour  favorite ‚Äì we‚Äôre going out on a limb here, but we predict it will be Jack Connolly and Marty Martinez that will nominate and we will pretty much know about five minutes after the polls close‚Ķmake sure to look at our website for the count.  We just hope that new comer Bob Daut hangs in there and decides to get active in the city even more so when its all said and done.  Jack Connolly is hosting a fundraiser at Tingles Off Broadway Theatre with special guest appearance by the Lt. Governor Tim Murray this Wednesday evening.


Ms. Isobel Cheney, well-known City Historian and former Western Junior High History Teacher (and one of the nicest ladies in Somerville) passed away recently‚Ķshe was 99 years of age and resided for several years at the Little Sister‚Äôs on Highland Avenue.  All of us who knew her personally will have wonderful memories of her.  Isobel could manage to tell you stuff about Somerville that would astound you – she was one of those teachers and historians that made you feel proud to be from Somerville.  We hope the city will do something nice in memory of her many years of love and dedication.       


Announcements may not yet be coming out about who’s in and who’s out in the next city elections but believe us when we tell you there’s a lot happening‚Ķword is that Bill White and Tony LaFuente are coming together on a deal where one would run for mayor and the other for alderman-at-large‚Ķbut which is which?  Hey, we hear they don’t even know yet…

One candidate has already pulled out without even jumping in yet‚ĶThe News received an email this weekend announcing that Elio LoRusso was running for Ward 1 Alderman against Bill Roche.  Boy that‚Äôd be an interesting race don‚Äôt you think?  Well, it ain’t happening kids‚ĶElio soon told us that the person who claimed to be his campaign manager was fabricating the whole thing and he would never run against Bill.  Even we don’t know what to say about that.


We hear through the grapevine that Ward 6 Alderman Rebekah Gewirtz is upset at not being able to have her name on the legislation for the Jobs for Fairness ordinance‚Ķshe‚Äôs supposedly very upset about not being asked.  Relax Rebekah, you can put your name on it after it comes out of committee ‚Äì at least that‚Äôs what we heard.  We don‚Äôt think she has a good memory‚Ķfirst it was the bank sign in Davis she voted for and after the vote she wanted to have the bank before the board, now she says she wants no meetings during the Jewish holidays and she calls for a committee meeting this Wednesday at City Hall‚Ķisn‚Äôt that in the middle of Passover???  Rebecca might need a memory training class‚Ķget with it Rebekah – or do you have the same attention span (15 minutes long) like several other politicians in the city?


Ok here‚Äôs one for the books‚Ķone would think that the so called ‚ÄúProgressive‚Äù Democrats here in Somerville – our fearless State Representatives (Provost, Sciortino and Toomey) all voted NO on recent legislation that would have their votes posted on the internet.  We wonder why they don‚Äôt want you to have easy access to their votes?  Don‚Äôt worry, we are working on posting them on our website soon ‚Äì these people call themselves progressive ‚Äì in the days of the 60‚Äôs and 70‚Äôs, the real radical progressives would have demonstrated against them.   


On the alderman front around the city, it looks like Ward 4 could be a hotbed of activity ‚Äì Steve Glines is seriously close to making a decision about running against Walter Pero and we have also heard another name which may make a primary.   Ward 5 Alderman Sean O‚ÄôDonovan is going to have Joe Lynch running against him‚Ķthe other wards like 2, 3, 6 & 7 we also hear rumblings that someone is gearing up for those seats as well.     Maybe it‚Äôs that $25K salary that is attracting the competition?   


Speaking of $25K for part time, which the Alderman are in Somerville, some of us here at Newstalk were talking the other day and we were wondering why Alderman at Large candidate Marty Martinez quit his full time job to run for a part time position, especially after just buying a home here in the city…there must be some serious secret perks with this aldermanic job…this has to be a first that someone actually quit their full time job to run for alderman…congrats Marty, you’ve succeeded in being a first.


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