News Talk for the week of April 18

On April 18, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The primary was very interesting but didn‚Äôt have a surprising result – there are a lot of people speculating what the votes mean in a special election‚Ķdid Marty get all his votes out?  Did Jack get his?  Is that the best we can muster out of estimated 40K registered voters – only 4500???  Considering it‚Äôs an election that will only attract friends/acquaintances and organizations out to vote, wasn‚Äôt it a surprise to see new comer Bob Daut get 308 votes, wonder what his next move will be, some are speculating he‚Äôs going to endorse Marty, and some are saying he‚Äôs staying out of it, we‚Äôll see, just an interesting night last week wasn‚Äôt it?

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It was interesting at the BOA meeting Thursday evening; our favorite Ward 6 Alderwoman was at it again.    Rebekah asked that an item be severed from the licensing and permits report.    Apparently the item was a parking lot permit for Kevin Douglas, a local business owner, whose business isn‚Äôt even in her ward‚Ķnow there are some on the board and around who were present and speculated (off the record of course) that Rebekah was thinking politically (we can‚Äôt believe it) as Kevin Douglas has been a strong Jack Connolly supporter in the past‚ĶOn another note at the board‚ĶRebekah requested from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Safety a report on the elevator over at Ciampa Manor which was mentioned in a story last week that we broke ‚Äì some people still want to say they don‚Äôt read our newspaper‚Ķapparently someone does.
Congratulations to the following from the Somerville Fire Department on their promotions this past week:  Peter St. Clair to Deputy Fire Chief, Patrick Sullivan III to District Fire Chief, John Norton and Robert McCarthy to Fire Captain and Matthew Wall, Stephen Ortolani and Robert MacLaughlin to Fire Lieutenant (Matthew Wall‚Äôs promotion is subject to verification of his exemption from the residency rule by the Director of Personal).   These brave men have been elevated as a result of their commitment to a job that helps keep the rest of us safe and we here applaud them for their success.
We see by their website that the Progressives are having their annual meeting this month on Tuesday April 24th at 6:30pm sharp ‚Äì the location will be the VNA on Lowell Street.  Now that‚Äôs a meeting that would be educational to attend and just observe.  Hopefully its open to the public‚Ķthe meeting is to elect their officers – can anyone join?  How much does it cost? We heard Bob Trane wanted to join the little clan but was turned away because he wasn‚Äôt evil, oops we mean liberal, enough.
Remember when the Farm Team used to keep a running tally of how many days the Lowell Street Bridge had been closed? Well we have a new one here: how many days can state Rep. Carl M. Sciortino go without shaving before showing the slightest sign of a beard. Right now, we hear he’s at eight. Keep going Carl!

Talk around town is that Bill White will lead an insurrection against Mayor Joe this Summer and run for Mayor. A lot of the haters (the usual suspects, you know them) are excited about Joe having an opponent, but we’re starting to think Bill isn’t even going to run. We don’t know what Tony LaFuente is planning to do but we think he already had his shot and could never beat Joe now.
To the crazy lady who keeps calling the News office and cursing at us: please stop, we do not have any affiliation with The Alewife newspaper. Thank you crazy lady.
Speaking of crazy, doesn’t the air in Somerville seem cleaner and more refreshing now that the Divestment Project whackos have left town. Yesssssssssssss breathe in that divestment-free air.
We hear Ward 3 Alderman Tom Taylor is making a leap into the music business. He has some bands that he is pushing and promoting throughout the area, we’ve heard. Do you think Tom’s bands are gangsta rap? We could see it.


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