Cop pepper sprayed in the face at Good Times

On April 21, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By George P. Hassett

A Somerville police officer lost his department issued pepper spray to a drunken patron of Good Time Emporium and was sprayed in the eyes, mouth and throat with it Saturday morning.

Sgt. John Vozella was on a paid detail at “New England’s largest indoor amusement center and sports bar” when he was asked by the staff to escort an intoxicated group of four males and two females out, police said.

Timothy Smith, 23, of 44 Claremont St., Malden, was one of the rowdy revelers and told Vozella he was not going to leave, police said.  Smith then made a motion toward Vozella with his hand, police said.

Vozella tried to handcuff Smith but before he could, Smith grabbed him on his right side near his gun, police said. Vozella reached for his pepper spray, but Smith grabbed his hand before he could deliver a burst of it, police said.

Smith then struggled with Vozella so that the can was pointed toward the cop’s face, police said. Smith fired a burst of the spray into Vozella’s eyes, mouth and throat, disabling Vozella’s vision and breathing, police said.

Smith hit two more people with pepper spray, including one who was not involved with the incident, police said. A second Somerville police officer, also on paid detail helped Vozella subdue and handcuff Smith. While Smith was being handcuffed, he allegedly yelled at his friends to “back off,” police said the group appeared to be contemplating attacking the arresting officers.

Smith was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery on a police officer, and resisting arrest. On his way out of Good Time Emporium, he allegedly told police about soon “becoming rich” and that “no one will believe I did anything wrong.”


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