Man murdered after leaving Good Time Emporium

On April 21, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By George P. Hassett

A Randolph man is under arrest in connection with this morning’s shooting death of Ferdinand Saintville, 25,  of Somerville.

Marquis Williams, 20, of Randolph, has been placed under arrest and will be arraigned  Monday morning in Somerville District Court on charges of accessory after the fact of murder, said prosecutors. The matter remains under active investigation.

‚ÄúThis appears to be another example of a victim being killed by senseless gun violence, which all too often has become a way of resolving conflict amongst young people who have access to guns and a willingness to use them,‚Äù District Attorney Gerry Leone said. ‚ÄúWe have one man under arrest, and we continue to actively investigate for other suspects who we believe were involved in this shooting.‚Äù 

According to authorities, at approximately 1:28 a.m., Saintville and friends were driving home from the Good Times Emporium in Somerville. They pulled their car up to the intersection of Alfred Lombardi Way and Mystic Avenue. At that time, the victim’s friends allege that a van with multiple men inside stopped ahead of them.

At that time, prosecutors said shots were fired from the van and into the car, striking Saintville. The victim’s friends then drove with Saintville back to the Good Times Emporium for police help.

The victim was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital and pronounced dead this morning.

Based upon an initial investigation, Boston Police were able to track the van to an address in Charlestown, where Williams was placed under arrest, prosecutors said.

The case remains under investigation by Somerville Police and Massachusetts State Police assigned to the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office. The Assistant District Attorney who will handle the arraignment will be Marian Ryan.


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