Mayor’s chief of staff resigns

On April 23, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The mayor’s chief of staff resigned this week to address family concerns, said city officials today.

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone said he has, ‚Äúwith great reluctance and great gratitude,‚Äù accepted the resignation of Janice Delory.  In a letter dated April 19, Delory indicated that she and her husband had, after the death in late March of her father-in-law, made a joint decision to move full time to their Harwich home to be near her husband‚Äôs mother, who also lives in Harwich. 

The mayor’s chief of staff resigned this week to address family concerns, said city officials today.

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone said he has, ‚Äúwith great reluctance and great gratitude,‚Äù accepted the resignation of his Janice Delory.  In a letter dated April 19, Delory indicated that she and her husband had, after the death in late March of her father-in-law, made a joint decision to move full time to their Harwich home to be near her husband‚Äôs mother, who also lives in Harwich. 

‚ÄúThere are times in all our lives when the needs of family trump professional concerns,‚Äù Delory wrote in her letter. "And this is one of those times.‚Äù 

Curtatone said he would promote his aide Michael Lambert to fill the Chief of Staff position, and has asked former mayoral aide and current Highway Superintendent Michael Buckley to return to the mayor’s office to serve again as aide to the mayor.

In an email message released to all city employees early Friday afternoon, Curtatone wrote that Delory ‚Äúhas been the consummate team player . . . always available to assist and facilitate any of us on any issue, challenge or project.‚Äù  He added that, ‚ÄúHer professional and life experience has been a great asset for us all, especially me, as she has been my greatest mentor over these 3¬Ω years.  Her friendship, compassion and willingness to lend an ear have eased what can be a very stressful profession.  You can always count on Janice, for advice, guidance or simply a warm and greeting heart and smile.  I am going to miss my best friend.‚Äù

‚ÄúI know this has been a difficult choice for Janice and for Leo, and I would, of course, be happy for her to stay on,‚Äù said Curtatone.  ‚ÄúBut I understand and support her decision completely.  She has earned the respect and affection of all of her coworkers, who are as sorry as I am that she has decided to move on.‚Äù

Delory began her service at City Hall in January 2004 as a mayoral aide, and was promoted to the newly created job of Chief of Staff in February 2006.   Prior to her work in the Curtatone administration, she worked at Fidelity Investments.

‚ÄúWhen she came to work with this administration, Janice had already reached the stage in her life when she didn‚Äôt need a job ‚Äì much less a job this demanding,‚Äù said Curtatone.  ‚ÄúI had a hard time convincing her to take on so much responsibility and so many demands on her schedule, but she has always had a strong commitment to public service.‚Äù

In her letter Delory wrote, ‚ÄúHaving been able to serve you as you implemented your vision for the city, and having had the privilege of working with the dedicated team you have assembled in city hall, has been one of the great high points in my personal and professional life.‚Äù  She added that  ‚Äú[I]t is very hard to go.  But I take comfort from the fact that the city and its administration are in such good shape ‚Äì and that they remain in such good hands.‚Äù

Curtatone said he understood Delorey’s decision.

‚ÄúJanice and Leo are like family, and I honor and accept the choice they have made,‚Äù said Curtatone.  ‚ÄúI know my colleagues and the citizens of Somerville will want to join me in expressing deep appreciation for her many accomplishments and her service to the city. She will remain a cherished friend and advisor, and I wish her all the best in the next phase of her distinguished career.‚Äù    


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