Police offer tips to prevent home break-ins

On May 7, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By George P. Hassett

In anticipation of the warmer days of spring and summer, Somerville Police are expecting an increase in residential break-ins.  Every year, Somerville, like every other city and town, experiences an increase in residential breaks as soon as the warm weather arrives, according to Acting Chief Robert R. Bradley. Protecting your home and family from criminal intrusion should be high on everyone‚Äôs priority list.  Becoming a victim of a burglary can leave a family feeling vulnerable and violated, Bradley said. 

The Somerville Police Department is urging residents to take some simple precautions that will reduce your chances of becoming a victim of a home burglary. In the United States, a home burglary occurs every 15.4 seconds.

Police said 70 percent of residential break-ins in 2005 occurred during daytime hours. Police said thieves prefer easy access, through an unlocked doors or windows.
Tools used to break in are usually simple; a screwdriver, pliers, pry bars, and small hammers are most common, police said.

Perpetrators are usually male and under 25, Bradley said. They are looking for items that are small, expensive and easily converted to cash, he said. The money is usually used to support a drug habit, he said.

Most break-ins occur in the daytime when occupants are at school or work. July and August are the most frequent months when occupants are at school or work
To prevent becoming a victim of a home break-in, homeowners can install metal doors, deadbolts, and wide angle peepholes.


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