Newstalk for Wednesday May 9th 2007

On May 8, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The end of the series of Special Elections is near – next Tuesday May 15th – go out and vote for either Marty Martinez or Jack Connolly for Alderman-At-Large‚Ķlets not have a small minority of voters here in Somerville do all the work and lets all be part of the process – make your vote count and bring out your family as well‚Ķalmost 40,000 voters in this city and hopefully more than 10% of them will go out and vote on Tuesday.   


Some interesting literature flowing out of both camps this past week or so, and one piece has a few of us here at Newstalk looking twice and can‚Äôt believe what we saw.    Candidate Marty Martinez puts out a puff piece of endorsements/supporters, which caught our eye.  At first glance it looks like the Somerville Police were supporting the candidate who was against the ‚ÄúGang Ordinance‚Äù but look at it closer and you see its worded differently‚Ķinstead of ‚ÄúThe Somerville Police Patrolmen‚Äôs Association‚Äù endorsement it turns out to be just the endorsement of the Executive Board members (calling themselves Somerville Police Employees Union) we asked several Patrolmen and they said it wasn‚Äôt the rank and file that voted to endorse anyone‚Ķbut it sure looks like it from that piece when you first look at it.  We thought it was weird at first, but then politics is politics, right?  Is this a case of the so-called Progressives doing EXACTLY what they accuse everyone else of doing?


So we all know that the Licensing Board gave the Somerville Theatre permission to sell alcohol recently‚Ķwe wanted to know what it means‚Ķdoes that mean you go to the concession stand, get your drinks and then go back to the theatre and have your drink or two or three or are you required to drink only in the lobby?  We asked around and imagine our surprise when we found out that the Alderwoman from Ward 6 – Rebekah Gewirtz – wasn‚Äôt even at the Public Hearing.  Maybe she forgot again, maybe she didn‚Äôt?


Another lucky DPW worker hit the lottery this week ‚Äì another $10.00 instant millionaire‚Ķthat‚Äôs 30K a year for 20 years after taxes – nice.  You think he‚Äôs going to give his notice to Stan??  Seems quite a few people down at DPW have a lot of luck during there lunch breaks, doesn‚Äôt it?   


This special election is barely over and nomination papers for the regular citywide election are due to be out on May 21st by the election department.  Rumors persist that Alderman Bill White is running for Mayor while former Mayoral candidate Tony LaFuante is running for Alderman at Large‚Ķthey‚Äôre rumors, but we keep hearing them. 


Nice to see that the Kat is out of the bag and she has confirmed that she watches our website for stories over there at the Farm Team paper‚Ķwe welcome her as a regular Blogger…They get most of their stories from us anyways and now that she has to edit the Somerville and Cambridge Farm Team papers, she‚Äôs needs some help, so we‚Äôre glad we can give her assignment ideas.  Apparently rewriting press releases is rewarding enough for them over there.


Casey‚Äôs in East Somerville on Broadway was visited Saturday evening by none other then Queen Latifah, her bodyguard, and another lady‚Ķsitting in a corner booth watching the DeLaHoya ‚Äì Mayweather fight on pay-per-view‚Ķit was the long black limousine that gave it away parked out front on Broadway.  We hope she enjoyed her visit to our city – we know the patrons enjoyed having her there and didn‚Äôt bother her either.


Condolences go out to Police Chief Robert Bradley and his family on the passing of his mother this past week – Helen Bradley was the wife of former Mayor Bradley back in the 40‚Äôs here in Somerville.  Our sympathies to the Bradley family.


Happy Birthday goes out to Max Nissenbaum, founder of Nissenbaum Auto Recyclers…Max, who was born and brought up in Somerville, is still looking great at the young age of 94years Рmany more to you Max, you’re a good guy.


Coming up on May 16th is the Publicover Foundation‚Äôs annual ‚ÄúSomerville Night at the Boston Pops‚Äù, with Keith Lockhart conducting such classics as ‚ÄúRhapsody in Blue‚Äù and ‚ÄúAn American in Paris‚Äù‚Ķthere are only 10 premier table seats left at $100.00 each.  Call Bob Publicover at 617-290-6842 or email Bob at  Bob also has tickets for Somerville Night at the Red Sox for the July 12th game vs. Toronto as well as the day game on Saturday September 1st vs. Baltimore…tickets are only $75.00 for Right Field Grandstand seats.


Laura Leland, popular daughter of Frank and Louise, was inducted into the Phi Sigma Iota Honor Society at Bentley College this month…this hard driving junior was initiated due to her proficiency in French.  We‚Äôre not surprised, and anyone that knows Laura isn‚Äôt as well – she is extremely smart and is truly a nice and pleasant person to be around.


Kaz Otuski, a 15 year Somerville resident, got laid off from his job at Pemberton‚Äôs Market (they didn‚Äôt want to give him a lousy $1.00 per hour raise after 7 years)‚Ķso we now have Somerville‚Äôs best all round cleaning agency/handyman up for hire – just when we need him…Kaz will clean your cellar, attic, yard, paint that fence, dig up that garden or just rake the leaves for as low as $14.00 hour‚Ķwe recommend him highly – call Kaz at 617-642-2376‚Ķhe‚Äôs a nice guy.            


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