Daut supports Connolly over ‘dubious’ Martinez

On May 13, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By Robert Daut

(Editor’s note: The views and opinions expressed in The Somerville News’ opinion pieces belong solely to the authors of the articles and in no way reflect the views and opinions of The Somerville News).

A couple of weeks ago, I experienced my first disappointment as a candidate for elected office, as I finished third in the Special Election Primary for Alderman-at-Large.  That Bobjack_10 experience, however, proved to be quite valuable.  As a candidate, I learned first-hand about the issues that affect fellow Somerville residents.  My candidacy helped reaffirm my personal belief that Somerville‚Äôs future will be one of phenomenal opportunity.  Sure, there are many challenges that will be posed and hurdles to be overcome, but the fact remains that Somerville has the fantastic occasion to renew and reinvigorate the dynamic progress and vibrant development that Somerville has experienced over the last twenty years. 


As I reflect on my first experience as a candidate, I would be remiss if I were not to express my gratitude to the voters of Somerville.  First, I thank those voters who supported my candidacy with the most powerful exercise of privilege we experience as United States citizens: your vote.  Second, and no less important, I extend my thanks to those voters who understand and appreciate the solemn privilege of the vote and who allowed me to explain why I thought I deserved their vote.  That is the beauty of the American political system, where its citizens have the privilege and honor of selecting those persons who will lead them.

Having gone through the gauntlet of the electoral process, and looking forward now as an interested resident in the May 15th general election, I also want to take the opportunity to endorse one of the two remaining candidates.  Although I do not have the privilege and honor of competing in the general election, I believe that one of the these stands head and shoulders above the other.  That candidate is Jack Connolly. 

The other candidate, Marty Martinez, has based his dubious platform on the notion that he has the ideas, the progressive ideas, to lead Somerville into the future.  Such a contention, however, is long on rhetoric and self-promotion, but short on facts and substance.  The fact is that Jack Connolly was helping Somerville progress long before Marty Martinez decided to splinter the Somerville Democratic party by founding the Progressive Democrats.  Unlike Martinez‚Äôs leadership, however, Connolly‚Äôs leadership was based on unity and cohesiveness, not fractious division. 

What Somerville needs now for its fourth Alderman-at-Large is a candidate who can offer a balanced approach that benefits from experience and leadership.  From my journey as a candidate, only Connolly can provide that among the remaining two candidates.  Unlike Connolly, Martinez has failed to demonstrate that he possesses either of these two qualities.  If anything, Martinez‚Äôs numerous appearances on the campaign trail have demonstrated that he is out of touch with the mainstream Somerville resident, that he is not personally approachable, that his representation of his achievements is more filled with fluff than facts, and that the only leadership he has offered has been to integrate gang members into vital Somerville youth services.

Jack Connolly, on the other hand, is a polar opposite from Martinez.  Where Martinez lacks leadership, Connolly has given leadership to Somerville for over two decades.  Where Martinez is aloof and saccharine, Connolly has always been accessible and sincere.  Where Martinez represents divisiveness, Connolly offers balance and cooperation.  Education, affordable housing, youth services all are issues that both candidates have identified as important to Somerville, but only one candidate is worth receiving your and my trust as a voting citizen, and that candidate is Jack Connolly.  I, therefore, endorse Connolly over Martinez on May 15th in the Special Election General Election for Alderman-at-Large of Somerville.


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