Newstalk for Wednesday May 16th 2007

On May 16, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Someone or a certain group of people (small group at that) woke a sleeping giant up this past special election.  When you think about it, Jack Connolly lost in the primary by 558 votes to come in 2nd place and then came the charge from all sides to help Jack win by 490 votes.  We‚Äôre pleased to have endorsed Jack, so were not really surprised.  And oh yeah that person on our site who asked what our policy was on endorsing candidates, its simple we endorse those that are right for all of Somerville not just a small clique that can‚Äôt open up.


WOW what a day Tuesday May 15th 2007 was‚Ķthe day Jack Connolly wins, the so-called ‚ÄúQueen of the PDS‚Äôers‚Äù, Senator Pat Jehlen, was asleep at the Brady building waiting for people to come out and get in her ‚ÄúMarty Martinez‚Äù shuttle car to go to the polls to vote, but there apparently wasn‚Äôt a rush to get in her car‚ĶWe have it on reliable sources that she was sound asleep in her car, we think she might have been meditating, but you never know.          


Now lets see‚Ķwho is in trouble this week?  Bill White for going all out and endorsing Marty over Jack?  Hmmmmmmm maybe, but that morning coffee might straighten that out, or could it be Jack Leuchter of the Somerville Police Union making like his union was endorsing Marty, when in fact the union members were never asked‚ĶWe put our money on Leuchter being in trouble, but then again there are so many others aren‚Äôt there?   


We heard through the grape vine that there is supposed to be a very secret meeting at Tony’s place this Friday night to decide who’s going to jump in the race for Mayor this year, Bill or Tony, we think that after Tuesday’s showings, the so called PDS’ers will be licking there wounds for awhile, or will they?


Was that Torpedo Lady from the DPW out there in that nice black limo with Marty signs on it on Election Day?  We think so, just hope that she asked for the day off, we‚Äôre sure she did‚Ķshe‚Äôs good at covering her tracks we hear.


Another Somerville institution passed away this week‚Ķformer SHS Headmaster Tony Fedele will be missed by not just the students that attended SHS over the years, but by a lot of us who came to know him.  He was instrumental in forming the SHS Scholarship Foundation with Bob Publicover and others.


The Farm Team can‚Äôt get enough of us – the editor over there has been on our site and blogging as well‚Ķbut apparently didn‚Äôt remember one of ‚ÄúJN‚Äôs rules‚Äù which doesn‚Äôt allow external links posted on our site.  She of course being rude as she can be and in our opinion couldn‚Äôt care less about any rules, so now she‚Äôs banned from blogging, but we see she‚Äôs still watching us over there‚ĶMust be frustrating over there, that‚Äôs all we can say – we love it.  Ron said it right on the blog ‚Äì it‚Äôs fun watching a Newspaper War.      



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