Changes come when you least expect them

On May 23, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

reality bites by James Norton

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

James_2_2 There comes a time in your life when you take personal inventory.  Okay, maybe it happens more than once, but that‚Äôs okay.

If you‚Äôre smart, you move away from the things which cause you personal pain, but we as humans are rarely that smart.  We rely on the comfort level we enjoy even in the midst of the most awful of personal situations.

That‚Äôs where our choices in life come to bear – we can choose to be good people or bad people or find some kind of middle ground ‚Äì sitting on the fence of life.  It‚Äôs being stuck in the middle that brings out the irony in life.  That‚Äôs where we learn to push things down inside and not deal with problems.  There again, is that comfort level.

As I get older and supposedly wiser, I‚Äôd like to think I have the answers to all the mysteries of life‚Ķand maybe I am a level-headed person when it comes to dispensing advice to my closest of friends. 

The truth is, when it comes to self-reflection, sometimes all I see is a blank, empty stare back at myself through a clouded mirror.

They say it‚Äôs the ‚Äúlittle things in life‚Äù that make the day better, and recently I have come to truly believe that.  I went through the dissolution of a personal relationship and in the process have come to appreciate what I need to do personally to grow into the next one ‚Äì very slowly and very carefully ‚Äì of course. 

If you get the chance to, I would suggest watching a motivational video that seems to have become very popular ‚Äì called The Secret.  Watch it more than once, maybe every day. 

It helped me understand more about life than I could have ever read in a book or learned in real life – maybe it can help you too, even if you thought you didn’t need help.


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