Flagc_2 The annual ceremonies include morning processions along Highland Avenue to several veterans’ memorials, as well as afternoon events at Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Teele Square following the parade.

‚ÄúEvery year, Somerville‚Äôs Memorial Day Parade tops other local parades,‚Äù said Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone. ‚ÄúAnd with a large number of marching bands from across the state, and so many community and school groups participating this year, I know we‚Äôll have a spectacular parade once again.  We‚Äôve planned the biggest and best parade to date, and I hope all Somerville residents will join us in honoring our nations veteran‚Äôs while enjoying an afternoon of fun and ‚Äì we hope – sunshine.‚Äù

As with last year’s ceremonies, the parade and other Memorial Day events will be specially tailored to honor the many servicemen and -women on duty around the globe – and particularly those with family and personal ties to the Somerville community, said city officials.

‚ÄúOur Memorial Day celebration is another opportunity for Somerville residents to unite and honor those who have not only served our nation in the past, but also the men and women who are putting their lives on the line for our nation today,‚Äù said Curtatone.  ‚ÄúWhatever our views on the current conflict, all of us stand united in admiration and gratitude for the dedication and heroism of our military personnel.‚Äù

Morning ceremonies will begin at 8:00 a.m. with a procession of veterans organizations and city elected officials down Highland Avenue to several veterans memorials.  The parade begins at 1:00 p.m. at Somerville High School, ending with afternoon ceremonies at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery on Broadway.

The annual 2.3-mile parade features more than 40 marching bands, community and school groups, and more than 200 Aleppo Shriners with their specialty parade units performing throughout the procession.  Color Guards from the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard will also march with contingents from each military branch.  The parade route begins at Somerville High School, continuing down Highland Avenue, through Davis Square, up Holland Street onto Broadway and ends at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Teele Square.  Ceremonies will be held rain or shine.

‚ÄúAll of our Memorial Day Parades in recent memory have been hugely successful, judging by the increasing crowd size each year,‚Äù said Frank Senesi, Director of Veterans‚Äô Services.  ‚ÄúEvery year we strive for the best, and this year is no different.  We look forward to seeing everyone again at this year‚Äôs parade.‚Äù

This year‚Äôs Parade Grand Marshal is Richard Johnson, a former alderman and lifelong Somerville resident, now working for the Massachusetts State Police.  Johnson is currently a Major in the Army National Guard, and serving as provost marshal at the Joint Force Headquarters in Milford.  He has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Humanitarian Service Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal, among several others.

Due to the parade‚Äôs route, several roads in the surrounding area and bus routes to and from Clarendon Hill will be closed ‚Äì for a complete list visit www.ci.somerville.ma.us or watch for updates on Cable Channel 13/16. 

A trolley will be available for those who wish to ride the parade route.  For more information, contact Frank Senesi or Kathy Carey at Veterans‚Äô Services at 617-625-6600 ext 4700.


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