Three Geese in Flight Books lands in Somerville

On June 11, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Three_geese_3_2 By Doug Holder

While driving down Elm Street on a hot June day, I noticed Three Geese in Flight.  No, not our honking avian friends, but a new bookstore with the intriguing name Three Geese in Flight Books.

The store located just down the block from  the Porter Square Shopping Center specializes in Arthurian and Celtic Literature. Arthurian literature for the uninformed concerns anything to do with the legend of King Arthur; very specialized indeed.

However, Jean McKeown, the genial manager of the enterprise said the bookstore will have an ample supply of general books, as well as books about Native Americans, the Revolutionary War, and more. But one thing you won’t find in the store are new books. This is a venue with a decidedly antiquarian sensibility.

Owner Samuel Wenger is from Kingston, N.Y. where he ran a bookstore for over thirty years. He holds a B.A. in Celtic Studies, and has been focused and passionate with this arcane nook of the 3geeseinflightbookstil book business. It seems, according to McKeown, that Wenger feels the intellectual and bookish climate of Somerville and his connections to the Harvard University Celtic Studies Department will make his store a success.

The store is slated to open this month. McKeown feels that there is a crying need for a new bookstore in the area, in light of all the closings of small independent bookstores.
McKeown and Wenger are not early risers, so they figure the store will be open late mornings to the evening hours. In any case I wish anyone trying to make a go of it in the book business a hearty good luck!


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