Newstalk for Wednesday June 13th 2007

On June 13, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Other than in Ward 5 this year Рmaybe Ward 6 – it looks pretty quiet for the next round of municipal elections and it looks like it will be boring – thanks to Marty Martinez losing the special election.


The ‚ÄúAlderman with a Table‚Äù is on the run again and will soon be on a corner close to you!  Yes, that‚Äôs right, Alderman at Large Dennis Sullivan will be traveling around the city this summer again in various locations setting up ‚Äúoutside‚Äù office hour table sessions.  We just hope he gets into the Teele and Ball Square areas this time around.  Speaking of Dennis, he‚Äôs having a fundraiser sort of campaign kickoff at Olde Magoun Saloon on Wednesday June 27th from 6 to 8.


We knew Good Time Emporium was moving – we heard first they were moving to Natick along Route 9 – now we hear that maybe Brockton may win the notorious Entertainment Center.  We‚Äôre wondering what all the political candidates that run their functions out of there will do now that they might have to pay?


The intersection in Union Square is still looking mighty bleak without the War Memorial statue in the middle of the sidewalk.  We wonder if the new renovations to the square will make any difference at all with the flow of traffic.


No fun around the city this past week other then the usual rumor mill working in high gear – even had us convinced that there was going to be a 3rd candidate in the race for Mayor.  As soon as we heard the name we laughed and knew it wasn‚Äôt serious, hopefully we will all have some fun this election year.  Alderwoman Maryann Heuston is having a fundraiser in Boston hosted by Mayor Joe on Monday the 18th at Four Winds Bar & Grill, Boston.


Kickoff Party for Mayor Joe at the Holiday Inn is tonight, Wednesday the 13th – everyone who is anyone will be there including some surprises we hear.  We‚Äôll be there taking notes on who‚Äôs there and who isn‚Äôt ‚Äì it‚Äôs doubtful we will be the only ones taking notes.


Ward 4 Alderman Walter Pero wasn‚Äôt taking any chances this past week – he went to see Attorney Steve Glines and got Steve to sign his nomination papers – guess that means Steve isn‚Äôt running against him.  Good for Walter – we didn‚Äôt think he had it in him to do something like that.


Congratulations to local ‚ÄúRealtor for life‚Äù Steve Bremis – he‚Äôs about to make the plunge into marriage once again – we wish him much luck and we hear they‚Äôre moving to Wakefield.  Steve Bremis is one of the famous Bremis family members that have been in business here in Somerville for over 50 years.


John Buonomo didn‚Äôt disappoint anyone that attended his yearly function over in Cambridge last week – it was wall to wall with lots of local lawyers and politicians.  We estimated around 150 people in all.  One time mayoral hopeful Tony LaFuente was there and was quick to say he‚Äôs not running for anything this year and is going to enjoy his family and business.


We love East Somerville over here at News Talk (some of us are from there and others still live there) and we‚Äôre excited about all the activity going on these days. There‚Äôs the walking tour of East Somerville today at 4 p.m., starting at 165 Broadway. And there is the East Somerville Summit at the Capuano School from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. June 19 sponsored by the Somerville Community Corporation (someone told us they were communists but we think they‚Äôre just nice liberals — there‚Äôs a difference right?). It‚Äôs good to see a focus on East Somerville, it‚Äôs more than just a thru way for socialites from the ‚Äòburbs to get to Boston —- it‚Äôs an important part of our little town here.


If all the aldermen were to fight, which one do you think would win? Our pick here is Tom Taylor. What about school committee?


Make sure to catch the young authors of Books of Hope June 21 at Porter Square Books reading from their newest works.


Ward 3 School Committee member Roberta Bauer is not running for reelection this year, leaving her seat open to anyone who wants a job with no power and no influence over how the schools actually work. News talk has not always been Roberta’s biggest fan but we give her credit for sacrificing her time for the community and putting herself out there instead of just ranting and raving on the sidelines like so many others do. Good luck in all your future endeavors Roberta!


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