Our poet this week is the talented Andrea Le. She is a sophomore at Endicott College, majoring in English with a focus in Creative Writing and a minor in Studio Art. Le has won several awards for her drawing and painting. She has danced most of her life and teaches at the Boston Ballet School in Marblehead. Currently, she is an intern and writer for Art Throb Magazine.
Frost Farm
He picks me up
in an Arby’s parking lot.
We drive
in silence.
I wonder where
to put
my hands.
Focused on the road
Slouched back
One hand
on the wheel.
Backwards baseball cap
Cool as the New Hampshire air
Humming to the radio
Ego so large
I wonder how I fit
In the
I see a sign
Exit 4: Robert Frost Farm
I have a sudden desire
To get lost
in the woods.
September 29
Summer has gone
Pushed out by the swift biting September winds
Bringing with them the scents of winter
Undetectable to all but the wet nose of
The wolf.
His ears prick, eyes brighten.
He lets his paw sink into the rain soaked riverbed,
And lets out
A howl.
—–Andrea Le
To have your work considered for the LYRICAL send it to:
Doug Holder 25 School St. Somerville, Mass. 02143
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