No action on Armory request

On September 26, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Donald Norton

What looked like a possible resolution and vote this past week before the ZBA on the fate of the Armory’s request for easement of restrictions on hours of operation and other issues was not to be.

The ZBA board heard a request by Alderman Jack Connolly on behalf of Sean O’Donovan and Tom Taylor to delay the vote and have the neighbors and the Arts at the Armory go back and hopefully come up with some agreement.

The Zoning Board of Appeals voted to delay the vote until October 17.

One source at the hearing said it would almost be a miracle if the Arts at the Armory didn’t go out of business, as the whole process has been stretched out so long.

The large turnout at the VNA on Lowell Street where the board met showed that disappointment was felt on both sides.


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