News Talk for Wednesday June 20th 2007

On June 20, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The 2nd Annual “On the Hill Tavern” 4-mile road race will be held this Sunday, June 24th starting 11am at 499 Broadway Рthe race benefits the Somerville Youth & Recreation Foundation. For more information call 617-629-5302


Mayor Joe’s kickoff party last Wednesday evening at the Holiday Inn was probably the largest single gathering in Somerville’s history for a campaign rally…the unofficial count by the front table was just over 600 attendees in total for the night, and it certainly looked it. To one Newstalker that has attended all the Mayoral election campaign parties over the past 40 years Рgoing back to S. Lester Рthis was definitely the largest and most diverse crowd ever seen. Gov. Deval Patrick gave a fine endorsement of the mayor and in the audience was none other then Bob Kraft, owner of the Patriots Рmaybe he was scouting for local football talent, we’re not sure.


So now there looks like there just might be a primary – well maybe if the Mayor and his supposed opponents turn in all the required nomination signatures.  A funny thing in this age of the Internet and online information, you can ‚ÄúGoogle‚Äù just about anyone, so that‚Äôs what we did‚Ķwe ‚ÄúGoogled‚Äù Mayor Joe, Ms. Suzanne Bremer and Richard Scirocco ‚Äì and we found some interesting reading ‚Äì we encourage everyone else to do the same.


Joe Lynch is out there every day working hard, knocking on doors, he’s been telling us he’s getting a great response from the residents of Ward 5 and he’s personally filling up his nomination papers.


Ok so now we know the Progressives don‚Äôt like this section of the paper, the Queen of the Progressives Senator Pat Jehlan doesn‚Äôt like us anymore. She was practically all over one of the Newstalkers at the Mayor‚Äôs time (she arrived late) not even saying ‚ÄúHi‚Äù, just lighting right in and saying it wasn‚Äôt true she wasn‚Äôt asleep in the van on election day, that it was a lie, funny how whenever you say anything about (see News talk May 16 edition) her or the Princess Rebekah, they get all upset – they should remember they‚Äôre public officials.  First of all, Pat, we checked – we said ‚Äúwe have it on a reliable source that she was sound asleep in her car, we think she might have been meditating,‚Äù so we checked again with some of our other sources and they even said you were asleep – we still say it could have been meditating.  We can understand the confusion.  Funny how the so called Progressives get all upset if someone should say anything about them, but its ok for them to say whatever they want about anyone they want.   Maybe Pat thinks this is Venezuela – where ultra progressive Chavez closed down that TV station.  We‚Äôre also wondering now if her pals over at the Farm Team get yelled at for the speak out section.


Happy Birthday to Rick Willette the Director of Operations for the City of Somerville, he spent his birthday this past week up at Laconia enjoying Bike Week 2007 along with lots of other Somerville residents.


Long time resident and good guy Donald Carriger Sr. was recently in the hospital, he‚Äôs not feeling too great, we wish him well and our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.   


We heard there was quite a dust up after the last Board of Aldermen meeting when Rebekah ‚ÄúKid Dynamite‚Äù Gewirtz and the ‚ÄúMassachusetts Mauler‚Äù Bob Trane got into a war of words in the committee room. It got so out of hand, Rebekah was telling anyone who would listen that Trane was acting ‚Äúthuggish.‚Äù Funny, the hit rap song of yesteryear ‚ÄúThuggish Ruggish Bone‚Äù always reminded us of Bob — not because of the title or lyrical content but because of the tight harmonizing — Bob‚Äôs always been a fan of crooners. But as usual we digress, we heard Bob called her and apologized the next day — good for him. Hopefully, it‚Äôs behind them and they can both focus their energy on real issues without allowing any petty resentments to fester.


We think Hugo Chavez may actually be able to win Ward 6 if he came to Somerville and ran for office. What do you think? He would probably have Pat Jehlen’s support.


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