The View from Prospect Hill

On June 23, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff


  It‚Äôs almost humorous how the so-called ‚ÄúProgressives‚Äù have turned into the very people they supposedly despise.  They have, collectively, become smarmy and smug and it‚Äôs becoming obnoxious quite frankly. 

It‚Äôs been simmering ever since Pat and Denise did the George Jefferson shuffle and got downright nasty at the end of the Marty/Jack dance.  Now they‚Äôre just being rude about it.

It speaks volumes about Marty’s character that he wouldn’t even pick up the phone and congratulate Jack on winning a tough race – a race he wasn’t supposed to win.

Bob Trane might be a little crazy, which is why we love him, but Rebekah calling him “thuggish” right after a BOA meeting is a little over the top.

Then we get it from Pat Jehlen – at Mayor Joe’s function last week – she just lit right into one of us about how it wasn’t true – that she wasn’t sleeping in the van on election day and that Newstalk is a horrible part of this paper.

Let’s recap for the slow learners – Newstalk is a rumor/gossip column, always has been; The View is the opinion of the Editorial Staff; commentaries are the opinions of the writers themselves and not the paper.

Look, if you want to be taken seriously, then stop acting like the people you supposedly got into politics to fight against Рyou can dish it but you can’t take it and it’s already old.


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