Annual Half Way to St. Patricks Day 4 Mile Road Race and Kids Fun Run

On September 19, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

– Photos by Bobbie Toner

This year’s road race took place on Sunday, September 16. Many came out to support a great cause. The road race was followed by post race party with DJ, food, drinks, prizes and more to benefit the Brian Higgins Foundation, helping children with special needs have a fun quality of life. The funds collected at this event provide the primary source of funds for the Foundation. Every penny collected goes directly to supporting special needs children and their families. For more information about the Brian Higgins Foundation visit


Results of the race are as follows:

Top 20 winners



Jake Lehrhoff  21:45.0   1    27   M    1   104   5.11 Waltham*

Christopher   McAleavey 23:16.6   2    30   M    2    67   5.33 Somerville

Anthony   White     23:41.7   3    29   M    3    57   5.38 Somerville

Kevin     MacChia   24:41.5   4    21   M    4    65   5.53 Somerville

Ken  Allen     24:49.7   5    16   M    1    13   5.55 Somerville

Lee  Gunter    24:55.3   6    16   M    2    86   5.56 England

Liam Degg 24:58.9   7    15   M    3    77   5.57 England

Billy     Smith     25:10.6   8    55   M    5    109  5.60 Charlestown

Matt Ridout    25:28.3   9    32   M    6    33   6.04 Somerville

Allan     Gebart    25:35.8   10   34   M    7    95   6.06 Somerville

Ryan O’Connor  26:27.8   11   17   M    4    87   6.18 England

Korynn    Stoyanoff 27:06.8   12   29   F    1    52   6.27 Medford**

Michael   Phinney   27:22.5   13   30   M    8    16   6.31 Somerville

Connor    Waite     27:27.8   14   16   M    5    91   6.32 England

Sara Radkiewicz    27:35.1   15   39   F    2    40   6.34 Somerville

Karen     Serafin   27:36.9   16   36   F    3    41   6.35 Medford

Johnny    Miller    27:40.9   17   49   M    9    115  6.35 Somerville

Paul Dandini   27:51.3   18   47   M    10   34   6.38 Somerville

Michael   Henderson 27:53.1   19   52   M    11   113  6.38 Somerville

Charlie   O’Leary   28:24.9   20   45   M    12   72   6.46 Somerville


*Overall winner

**First female winner

Jake Lehrhoff has also won the race in 2010 and 2011.

For a complete list of results go to


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