Lafuente just wants to help

On June 26, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By George P. Hassett

Tony Lafuente has his eyes on Somerville public office. But the 2003 mayoral candidate is not Tony1_1_2 going after Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone’s job, he is planning a run for alderman-at-large, in order bring a pro-active voice to a “lackluster” board.

Lafuente lost the 2003 mayoral race to Curtatone by 700 votes but he said his campaign for alderman “will not be a bash Joe campaign.”

“The main reason I’m running is I want to participate in city government and help bring Somerville forward,” he said. Lafuente said his concerns with the city include public safety issues, city finances, and the dilapidated police building.

“One issue I differ from [Curtatone] on is the public safety building. The building needs to be replaced, I’m going to make that an issue,” he said.

Lafuente said community leaders need to be more proactive in the issues the city faces, the current board he said, is “lackluster” on that issue.

  He said he was worried about the number of bonds the city has taken out to pay for expenditures and the lack of new economic growth. ‚ÄúWe‚Äôre heading towards a financial crises because of all this bonding,‚Äù he said.

Lafuente said he spoke with Curtatone before taking out papers to run. He said he looked forward to working with the mayor to help improve the community.

“I want the city to be the real winner,” he said.


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