Newstalk for Wednesday June 27th 2007

On June 27, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Our friend Bob Publicover has several tickets still available for the July 12th Red Sox-Toronto Blue Jays game – ticket proceeds go to the Committee for a Response to Aids here in Somerville.  Call Bob at 617-290-6842 before they‚Äôre all gone.


Did you Google the potential candidates for office yet?  We think it‚Äôs the greatest thing since ice cream.


We want to know how come just about every time we see Mayor Joe in the news, his sister Maria is in the news as well‚Ķisn‚Äôt she representing one of the ‚Äúalleged‚Äù heroin suppliers that was recently arrested here in Somerville?  How does she get to represent these people so soon after they‚Äôre arrested?   


Not one contest in any of the ward School Committee seats – what an easy ride for all of them – some of us can remember when there would be 4-5 candidates in each ward.  How sad that a city of nearly 80,000 residents can‚Äôt even muster up a race for one of these seats – maybe it is time for the school committee to be replaced and save the taxpayers money.


One rumor flying around that isn‚Äôt hard to believe is that we heard Register of Probate John Buonomo has got his sights on the State Auditor‚Äôs seat presently held by Joe DiNucci – who just might retire soon.  John tells us he‚Äôs thrilled that people are trying to encourage him for the run, but he‚Äôs said that he is more than happy doing the job that he was elected to do at the probate court.  We knew he‚Äôd say that, we also know that he has the war chest filled with lots of Benjamins


Well there were two big surprises these past few days, first having Tony LaFuente take out papers for Alderman at Large instead of for Mayor, this should be interesting since obviously he must think one of the present aldermen is the weakest link.  The other surprise is former Alderman Charles Chisholm, a professor and lifelong resident, took out papers against the Princess Rebekah of the Progressive movement here in Somerville.   We were going to make some comments here, but every time we do the Progressive army pipes up and complains we‚Äôre picking on her – which is far from the truth.  All we can say Rebekah is you‚Äôre in for a bumpy ride – with possibly the only primary in the city this year.


We‚Äôre going out on a limb here, but we predict no Primary for the Mayor‚Äôs race, we just have a feeling – we could be wrong, but we don‚Äôt  think so.


Popular Alderman Bob Trane has competition up in Ward 7 with Ms. Rachel Heller, who we hear just moved here not to many years ago, and just recently registered to vote in the city within the past couple of years.  We‚Äôre not saying that our own Progressive Queen Pat put her in the race, but we hear Rachel is an aide to a Senator from Lawrence ‚Äì you can draw from that what you want.   


Ever popular Cambridge City Councilor Anthony Gallucio celebrated his birthday recently with a few hundred of his closest friends including Lt. Governor Murray.    The fundraiser was held so that he can get in the race for the soon to be vacant seat of Senator Barrios – part of this seat is in Somerville. 


Corey and Kaitlin Norton are here for the summer interning at ERA and The News, recently in from England, where it has been non-stop rain for two weeks now.    They will be enjoying their summer here with their family.  Look for them around and say hi to them.


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