Newstalk for Wednesday July 11th 2007

On July 11, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff


The repair work to McGrath Highway overpass is just about completed and it looks like the worst patch job that was ever done ‚Äì we wonder if it was in Newton how it would look.  A lot of money wasted on what looks more like a temporary fix that the state just whipped together.


Congratulations to Somerville Traffic and Parking’s own Donna Amenta for being voted Most Liked Person by all her friends and co-workers.


Looks like Lt. Gov. Tim Murray has taken a special interest in Somerville and the way that Mayor Joe is carrying the torch, according to a conversation that he had with one of our Newstalkers.   


Something real nice has been happening over at Ciampa Manor in Davis Square, seems like a new tenant named Charlie (we don‚Äôt have his last name yet) who is wheelchair bound, has single handedly planted a marvelous garden in the courtyard.  Everyone in the building has been abuzz with the garden and Charlie has made a lot of friends very quickly both in the building and outside – good job Charlie and thank you.


Alyssa J. Mackey of Somerville, a postgraduate student at Phillips Exeter Academy, earned High Honors for the spring term.  The daughter of Mrs. Paula Mackey, Alyssa is in her postgraduate year at the independent secondary school in Exeter, NH.


Looks like Dave Lebahn is doing great at his job at Borders in the Galleria Mall.  He sells more books from the floor than anyone else and he loves the job, you can tell.


We heard a rumor that Alderman at Large candidate and former Mayoral candidate Tony LaFuante was supporting Richard Scirocco for Mayor, we‚Äôre not quite sure about this one – we think Tony should worry about his own election.    Speaking of candidates for Mayor has anyone seen Suzanne Bremer and Rick Scirocco out there anywhere on the streets?   


Talk about being seen Рthe two oldest and popular (by term in office we mean) Aldermen at Large, Dennis Sullivan and Bill White, have been seen everywhere Рlast week alone some of us at Newstalk ran into each of them in five different places – and we aren’t talking about at “Somervilla”, which is in Moultonborough NH.


Speaking of ‚ÄúSomervilla‚Äù, there was quite the collection of Somerville notables spotted over the dreary weathered weekend in Moultonborough NH.  We don‚Äôt want to mention names, but there were several local business owners, an elected official and even a Somerville policeman all spotted on both Saturday and Sunday.  This weekend‚Äôs weather should be better, so there should be more added to the cast of characters milling about.


Tuesday night was the public hearing for the selection of the new Police Chief – our money is still on Bob Bradley – but you never know what might happen.


Very quiet summer this past week, with half of Somerville away for the July 4th weekend Рeither down the Cape or in the mountains РSomerville was really thinned out and along with it all the rumors…


One good rumor has it that a member of the Board of Aldermen may be the subject of the State Ethic‚Äôs Commission investigation – this could make for very uncomfortable campaigning the next few months.  We wonder if this is like those rumors floating around that the Fed‚Äôs are here in Somerville?  Remember back a year or so‚Ķthey weren‚Äôt true, but reliable sources tell us to hold on to your hat this investigation could prove to be interesting.


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