Bank robber makes off with cash, police ask public for help

On July 16, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By George P. HassettRobbery

Somerville Police are asking the public to help them identify a man who robbed the Citizens Bank at 212 Elm St. in Davis Square Saturday.

According to police, a white man, possibly in his twenties, entered the bank shortly after noon and passed a note to a teller demanding cash.  He then fled the bank on foot with an undisclosed amount of money, police said.

Capt. Paul Upton said most bank robbers in Somerville and the northeast United States use the same method the suspect used Saturday, pass a note to a teller.

Robbery_2_2 “To enter a bank and pass a note demanding money does not involve a great deal of planning,” he said. A few years ago, he said, a man in Teele Square walked into a bank and handed an envelope to a teller with a note demanding money. The man walked out with the money but was soon found by police because the envelope had his name and address printed on it, Upton said.

However, some note passers target specific banks at specific times and do plan their heists, he said.

Bank robbers who pass notes usually do not make off with enormous amounts of cash because they are only taking money from one teller at the bank, he said.

“A single teller won’t have a whole lot of money in their draw at one time,” he said.

The suspect is described by police as being about 6 feet tall, and having a thin build with a light beard.  He wore a stripped shirt and khaki shorts, a red baseball cap and was carrying a dark colored backpack, according to police.  Bank surveillance cameras captured the suspect and police believe the images are good enough for him to be identified by someone who knows him.

“If someone calls us, it can be anonymous and we will do the rest,” Upton said.

Police are asking people with information to contact them at 617-625-1212. 
The robbery is being investigated jointly by Somerville Police Detectives and the FBI Bank Robbery Task Force.      


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