News Talk for Wednesday August 8th, 2007

On August 8, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff


A report came in early Sunday afternoon to the police station when a Murdock Street resident noticed a Mercedes Benz parked on the street was sprayed with bullet holes and had a flat tire. According to the luxury car’s owner, the car was a victim of a drive by shooting a couple of nights before. Guess someone doesn’t like Mercedes.


Congratulations to Alderman Bob Trane for finally beating Alderman-at-Large Dennis Sullivan on the golf course. Dennis is quite the golfer we hear. Apparently this is the very first win for Bob. Maybe it‚Äôs because there was an alleged wager on the game that inspired Bob, we‚Äôre not sure. 


Here’s another one for the books…apparently after three years on the Board of Aldermen Princess Rebekah doesn’t understand the rules of order for the board. While the board was conducting a public hearing on Nstar, just as the vote was being taken, she got up and left the room and came back as soon as the vote was finished. And then she asked for “reconsideration,” which you can’t ask for if you weren’t part of the original vote. All that time in the hearing doing work for her constituents, like the other aldermen, and when it came time for the vote she just leaves the room. We’re not sure if she knows the board operates under Robert’s Rules, but maybe someone should give her a copy to study just in case. Leaving the room isn’t unusual for aldermen just before a vote, but what was unusual was the fact that she asked for “reconsideration,” which you have to have been part of the original vote to ask for that.


Davis Square shoppers had a special treat last week when a Blue RCN cable Truck parked in the front of the T station in the square was passing out free ice cream to everyone around. It was part of an RCN promotion for their Cable TV, telephone and Internet Service.


This past week, another life long resident – David C. Lewis of East Somerville – who was 45, passed away from a lengthy battle with an illness. To his mother Florence and his entire family, we extend our sympathies. David was a member of King Solomon‚Äôs Masonic Lodge here in Somerville, and he was also a Senior DeMolay.   Another passing as well was life-long resident Marie E. Valente, who was a young 64. Marie worked as a nursing assistant. Our sympathies from The News to both families.


So the Progressives sent out a questionnaire to be filled out, giving the candidates less than a week to fill out, and then they were going to endorse‚Ķ then about 15 met and gave endorsements. We hear that NOW (National Organization for Women) and the Sierra Club have both sent out questionnaires as well to some of the candidates. In particular, we hear that they sent to candidate Charles Chisholm, which is fine, but it seems like the Progressives weren‚Äôt going to endorse anyone other then Rebekah in Ward 6 since she‚Äôs the co-founder of the PDS. But both NOW and the Sierra Club have also already endorsed Rebekah even before the questionnaires went out to candidates. So we hear that candidate Charles Chisholm is wondering what is going on. Charlie, don‚Äôt you know that the so-called Progressives don‚Äôt do as they say? They do as they accuse others of. Well, at least it appears to be like that. We‚Äôre wondering how you can send out questionnaires after you give endorsements and why. Oh, we long for the good old days of SUN and CPP. At least then you had real progressives and voters doing it the right way.   


Candidate Joe Lynch for alderman in Ward 5 is working hard and not letting the summer heat get in his way. He’s been knocking doors every day, and we hear he’s getting a great response.


Mayor Joe’s annual Boston Harbor Cruise was another success. Everyone had a ball, but a quick count of department heads left a couple missing. We’re wondering what the excuses were the next day. Mayor Joe’s headquarters in Ball Square will officially open on Aug. 14 with an open house from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Hopefully, those missing department heads will be there.


By the way, has everyone seen candidate Scirocco‚Äôs headquarters in Ball Square at the old animal clinic? Signs on sticks sticking out of the fence? The best is that in over 40 years in local politics, we can‚Äôt find anyone that put ‚Äúoffice hours‚Äù on their headquarters. Some say his candidacy is similar to former candidate Bill Rafferty and Mary Sogliero back in the early 70s. Now watch all the newbie political geniuses run to find out who those two candidates are.   


We hope that local popular electrician and nice guy Steve Mirabella’s knee is getting better.


The Committee For A Response to AIDS still has a few tickets left for the Sept. 1 Red Sox vs. Orioles game at 7 p.m. for $75. Call Chairman Bob Publicover at (617) 290-6842 ( to reserve your tickets for “Somerville Night II”.


The Little Sisters of the Poor needs your help with donations for their elder residents.  Right now they need cranberry juice, cookies, a coffee maker, coffee and postage stamps.  Items can be dropped off at 186 Highland Ave. Other donations are always welcome.  The Publicover Foundation recently sent eight folks from the Little Sisters to a winning Red Sox game.    


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