News Talk for August 22nd, 2007

On August 22, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News_talk_forweb_12Former High School Headmaster Tony Fedele was very popular throughout his career and beyond here in Somerville Рeveryone is hoping that the concourse up at the High School will soon be named after him in his honor. Tony was so instrumental in starting the SHS Scholarship Foundation back in the late 80’s Рbringing everyone at that time together on the board. Over the years the foundation has given thousands of dollars in scholarships to hundreds of Somerville High students and has over $800,000 in the bank today. We support the city giving him this honor and hope that it’s on the fast track now that the Board of Aldermen have approved it.


We heard from a source in the fire department that they responded to a call last week at a house in East Somerville that was filled with smoke. When the firefighters entered the smoke filled house, they found a family roasting a goat in their bathtub! We’ve heard of the old grille out on the porch or in the yard, but in the bathtub?


There was a packed City Hall last Friday morning when the mayor made the announcement of the new police chief (we broke the news the night before). Say what you want, but we applaud the mayor for making this bold move to go outside for the job – we wish Chief-to-be Holloway the best of luck in his new job.


Last week at a neighborhood meeting in Ball Square for the new Italian – Seafood Restaurant on the corner of Rogers & Boston Avenue, the new owners of the restaurant “Pescatore” talked to the neighborhood about transferring the liquor license that once belong to Mr. B’s on Cross Street, which is now closed. After hearing the facts and concerns of all the neighbors that were present, Pescatore Restaurant got a big thumbs up from the majority of the attending crowd who agreed that the establishment would be a true asset to the Square! We wish them the best of luck before the License Board hearing coming up shortly.


This is for all those out there that just might agree with us Рhave you gone into a Dunkin Donuts lately (there are enough in the city) and asked for your coffee done the way you like it, and they somehow don’t get it right, but the worst part is they give you an attitude that you would even dare to make it no sugar or no cream? Whatever happened to “the customer is always right”? And then there’s the Home Depot with their stock going down again maybe because of lack of good management Рthe Somerville store on Saturday night was crowded as usual and only one register was open Рpeople were leaving the store in disgust…What’s going on with these awful business practices lately?


Alysen Toole, longtime administrator of the Somerville Home on Summer Street, will be leaving her job as Executive Director at the end of the month. The Home has a lot of problems to solve and hopefully is looking for a strong Director with business and Nursing knowledge. We hear that they have a lot of debt and its not being run very well – the time has come for some serious changes there and quick. The Board of Directors needs to wake up before its too late!


We’re still hoping that if you have any donations in the way of soap, toothpaste and toiletries you can send them to help the Little Sisters of the Poor on Highland Avenue – they’re in desperate need of donations.


Don’t miss the weekly “Farmers Market” behind the Post Office in the municipal parking lot – there are some wonderful local farm grown vegetables to be had every Wednesday, not to mention delicious bakery goods and other fine edibles. Come and support our local farmers.

Neil McCabe, a former editor of this newspaper and current editor of a Cambridge “newsletter” was arrested early Monday morning in Cambridge for driving with a revoked license amongst other charges…well, it just goes to prove you can’t barter your way out of everything in life.


Lola, the famous artist of Café Rossini, has another one! No, not that Рanother bird to add to her collection of beautiful birds. Her new ‘mini pocket parrot” will be visiting the store soon…sprout is reported to be a most colorful addition to the family.


Bob Publicover may have tickets to the smash Broadway hit “Wicked” which will soon be in Boston. You can call Bob at 617-290-6942 for more information – he is planning to begin presenting more “Broadway” show tickets.


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