Patrick announces Green Line movement

On October 12, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By George P. HassettGov0006_3_2

Gov. Deval Patrick visited Gilman Square today to announce steps he has taken to extend the Green Line through Somerville and into Medford. He said his administration would try to beat the 2014 completion date required by law.

Over the summer, Patrick  proposed the completion date be pushed back to 2016 while his administration went after federal funds that he said could save state taxpayers $300 million. City officials and residents quickly voiced their displeasure with the proposal and today Patrick said the plans are back on track.

He said the Executive Office of Transportation has hired Vanasse, Hangen Brustlin, Inc. to start the required environmental review and preliminary engineering for the project. Also, a project advisory group has been established, aerial surveying work has been initiated and funds have been transferred to the MBTA to begin designing the Green Line cars.

"Today marks an important day for the residents of Medford and Somerville and for the Commonwealth," Patrick said in a statement today. "Bringing the Green Line to these communities will offer the region an economically competitive advantage, give commuters a cleaner, more efficient alternative to driving, and improve the quality of life for all who live here. I am delighted the project is underway."

Curtatone said the moves are the first actual steps any governor has taken to complete the long delayed project.  In 1990, state officials promised Somerville residents they would complete a Green Line extension through the city and into Medford as a way to offset air pollution caused by the Big Dig. In 2005, the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) sued the state because it had not taken the necessary steps to complete the project on time. In November 2006, CLF and the state settled and agreed on a binding commitment to complete the project by 2011. That commitment was pushed back to 2014. Patrick said today he would try and beat the 2014 date and get the Green Line into Somerville earlier.

Curtatone said Patrick’s announcement is "a major step" in bringing the Green Line to the city. "Today was the first time we have ever seen a governor give more than a verbal commitment to this project," he said.   


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