Police arrest juvenile for hoax shooting call

On November 8, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

At about 8:00 a.m. this morning, Somerville Police dispatchers received a call, transferred from the State Police, reporting that someone was shooting inside the Kennedy School and that he the caller was hiding under his desk.  Police immediately responded and assisted school personnel who were in the process of following established emergency procedures.

Police said as officers moved into the building to investigate, they quickly learned that there had been no shooting and that the call may have been a hoax made by a student who was inside the school.  The student was quickly located and questioned by police, who after sweeping the building, determined that there was no firearm involved and no students had been in any danger.  The school quickly resumed normal activities as police further investigated the circumstances. 

Later in the day, detectives arrested a 14 year old juvenile from Somerville.  He was charged with being a juvenile delinquent by reason of making a threat that caused the evacuation or serious disruption of school. 

Chief Robert R. Bradley praised  the staff and students involved in today‚Äôs event, police said.  School returned to normal activity within thirty minutes.   


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