We are asking everyone to please remember the Little Sisters on Highland Avenue – they do a great job and are in need of donations, especially during the holiday season. Also, the Somerville Housing Authority is collecting toys and donations to be given to needy families in the projects – please consider helping these and other fine charities that feel the pinch at this time of the year.
Did everyone see or hear about the Channel 5 investigative report on the various yacht clubs around the state that are private to members only, but are located on STATE OWNED land? The very first one they brought up was our own Winter Hill Yacht Club and how they owe back rent to the state and refuse to pay it. The Governor is supposed to be on a mission to collect the rent due. We wonder if it’s in the way of the Proposed Assembly Square Development and if so, why is the City letting them? Former Alderman and State Rep. Vinny Ciampa was seen being interviewed by Channel 5 since he used to be in office and he also docks his boat there as a member. Channel 5 did a great job and now that it has brought this issue to the attention of everyone, maybe just maybe, the yacht club can pay the back rent due and either move or open its membership to all Somerville Residents. The days of private clubs residing on state-owned property is silly.
The election is over and looks like there will be a recount with Tony Lafuente and Bruce Desmond Saturday Dec. 1, at City Hall – it should be an interesting time for all – this is Desmond‚Äôs second recount, but this time he‚Äôs up with a 38 vote difference. Last recount for Desmond had him down 1 vote with Bill White – this time looks like the results will be different for him.
Two local guys, David Sidoti and John Carlino, both of Somerville – have fulfilled their childhood dreams and opened up ‚ÄúExchange Street Bistro‚Äù – a very nice restaurant located in Malden! Great to see local guys do well!
Secret Squirrel (aka Herb) was out working on Election Day for his friend Tony LaFuente and was later seen at Mayor Joe‚Äôs time where he was eating some of the delicacies – some were wondering why he didn‚Äôt bring Tony there with him.
Rumors are already flying that Rep. Carl Sciortino and the Queen of the PDSers‚Äô Senator Pat Jehlen are going to have some serious challengers this coming year – we predict, and you heard it here first, that these two legislators will more than have their hands full. It‚Äôs apparent that the PDS isn‚Äôt interested in working with anyone ‚Äì they‚Äôre just interested in taking over at any cost. The recent nasty election in Ward 7 against Bob Trane is an example ‚Äì even the Journal and The News both endorsed Bob. Remember, nothing is impossible in this district – if a Republican can win the Senate here over an incumbent Democrat – anything is possible‚Ķremember Charlie Shannon beating Sal Albano.
Seems like there is a bad smell coming from a possible gas leak around the Garrison Avenue neighborhood! According to a representative from the gas company – they think there are no leaks and he isn’t even sure if there are any health risks involved! Ward 7 Alderman Bob Trane isn’t satisfied with that answer and wants the problem fixed ASAP and he says he won’t take any chances – to get the situation resolved safely.
Seems like the Cambridge Chronicle and Somerville Journal (both edited by Kat Powers) have done an interesting story on our former editor – Neil McCabe – who is also the publisher of the Cambridge monthly newsletter The Alewife and now a small newsletter named the Powderhouse in Somerville (hey we know it‚Äôs not spelled incorrectly ‚Äì that‚Äôs how he spells it). Seems he has court dates for habitual driving offenses in two courts and he has told the court that he‚Äôs indigent. We find that hard to believe, since he owns two newsletters/publications and since he likes to brag about having investors – Thomas P. O‚ÄôNeil III – who had admitted he is an investor and now we heard a RUMOR that the newly elected Senator from Cambridge – Senator Gallucio himself – is an investor along with some restaurant owner in North Cambridge. With access to so much money, we‚Äôre wondering how he can tell the court he‚Äôs indigent and get away with it?
With all the problems lately over in Cambridge with their Traffic and Parking Department, we can thank our lucky stars here in Somerville that we don’t have the same mind set with our Traffic and Parking personnel.
Right before our deadline Tuesday we heard a steam pipe leak at City Hall forced the elections department to move to another room in the building. Nick Salerno, the elections commissioner, promises us no ballots were compromised but you have think the Oliver Stone’s of the city are
going to have a field day with this one. Wheels within wheels, wheels within wheels. City
officials say the damage is in excess of $25,000 and election department workers are now doing their jobs in another room usually used for lunch breaks. So now where do they go for lunch?
We hear Fred Berman was being comforted by his progressive supporters after his election
day loss for alderman-at-large. Carl Sciortino, Denise Provost and Pat Jehlen all offered words of encouragement to Fred (what Hugo Chavez couldn’t make it?). Of course Fred may be the reason Tony Lafuente didn’t get into office – we heard all Tony’s progressive friends sold him down the river and gave Fred a bullet vote.
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