– Photo By William Tauro
By William Tauro
Friday, Somerville DPW workers power-washed pigeon feces with high power equipment under the McGrath Highway Overpass.
After numerous complaints by abettors of dozens of dead pigeons, a ground covered in white pigeon feces and rats actually running with and feeding on pigeon carcasses, Somerville City Hall decided to clean the mess that Mass DOT has neglected to do so. Mass DOT is responsible for the area under the ailing overpass that falls on state property and is under the state’s jurisdiction.
“The entire area around the overpass has been overtaken with the city’s growing problem of rat infestation. The city addressing the pigeon problem under this bridge is a major victory in the battle against the rats” said John Neilson an abettor of the bridge. Neilson continued to say that he “applauds the mayor, the help of Ward 2 Alderman Maryann Hueston, and the DPW’s efforts for taking on this battle that Mass DOT has turned their backs on “
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