Important Information for ESCS Parents and Staff

On December 10, 2007, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Note from Jamie Norton – The following is directly from the City of Somerville web site regarding the East Somerville Community School and the fire yesterday:

"The East Somerville Community School will be
closed on Monday and Tuesday, December 10th and 11th while School, City
and State officials assess the extent of damage in the building
following a 3-alarm blaze in the school early Sunday morning. The
school was unoccupied and no one was injured, however, the entire
southeast quadrant of the building sustained heavy structural damage.
The remainder of the 120,000-square foot educational facility has been
significantly affected by smoke and water.

Fire Chief Kevin Kelleher reports that the fire appears to have
originated in Room 108, and the cause remains under investigation by
the Somerville Fire Investigation Unit and the State Fire Marshall’s
Investigation Unit.

How long will school be closed for students?

  • School is closed at least through Tuesday, December 11th.

How long will school be closed for staff?

  • Staff are asked to report for a staff meeting at the Edgerly Education Center on Tuesday, December 11th at 9:00 AM.

Can I get into the building to get my stuff?

  • The
    building and the school yard are not safe.  No one can enter the
    building to get classroom materials or other belongings.The southeast
    quadrant of the building has been completely destroyed by the fire. 

Where will my child go to school now?

  • Principal
    Holly Hatch and Assistant Principal Barbara O’Brien are working with
    the Superintendent and the Mayor to find alternate classroom locations
    for all students and teachers.  These alternate locations will keep
    students with their teachers and their classmates together.  The
    locations of these assignments will be available as soon as they are
    complete, and will be available on 311 and the SPS website.  A
    community meeting is being arranged and class assignments will also be
    available then.

Will there be bussing to the alternate classroom locations?

  • No decision has been made as of this time.  We will let you know when alternate classroom locations are finalized.

Will there be afterschool programs in the alternate location?

  • No decision has been made at this time.  We will let you know as soon as the decision has been made.

My child gets the bus at the East Somerville Community School.  Where will they go now?

  • Special
    education and English language learner bus stops have been relocated to
    the corner of Otis and Cross Streets, across from the Edgerly Education
    Center.  Staff will be available on Monday morning and Monday afternoon
    to escort students and families to the new bus stop.

When is the community meeting?

  • The
    date, time and location of the community meeting will be finalized
    before the end of the day on Monday.  A Connect-Ed message from Dr.
    Hatch will be sent to all families.  Information about the community
    meeting will also be posted on the Somerville Public Schools website
    and the City website. 

Where was the fire?  How did it start?

  • The
    fire was in the southeast quadrant of the East Somerville Community
    School, near the corner of Pearl and Glen Streets.  The Somerville Fire
    Department is working with the State Fire Marshall to investigate the
    cause of the blaze. 

Was anyone hurt in the fire?

  • The building was unoccupied at the time of the fire, and no one was hurt.

Does this mean we get a new school?

  • The
    Superintendent of Schools is working with the Mayor and the State to
    determine what happens next.  Our first priority is making sure
    students and teachers are safely located in alternate classrooms to
    minimize the disruption to learning and teaching.

Can I take my child to visit the school?

  • The
    school building and schoolyard have been deemed unsafe for visitors,
    and many of the neighboring streets were closed by emergency response
    personnel.  If you choose to take your child to visit the school,
    please do not cross the emergency barriers, and do not enter the
    building or the school yard.  Please also bear in mind that every child
    will react to this situation in a different way.  They may be scared,
    angry, sad.  Assure them they are safe, and their teachers and
    classmates are all safe.

more information about the East Somerville Community School fire and
relocation plans, please call 311 in Somerville, or the Office of the
Superintendent, 617-625-6600 x6005."


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