Swirl and Slice will be offering tantalizing treats to Union Square visitors Thursday nights through September 20.
By Tatiana Kombo
Swirl and Slice, Somerville’s first evening specialty food hub, opened on Thursday, June 14. Complete with a live jazz number and the participation of neighboring restaurants, local vendors presented a gorgeous array of organic foods and farm-to-table products. Ranging from delicious cheeses to delectable wines, this new night market is tailor-made for Somerville’s convivial ambiance.
Mimi Graney, current Executive Director of Union Square Main Streets comments on the evening, noting, “Mother Nature showed her enthusiastic support for the opening of Swirl and Slice with great weather for the night.”
At its convenient Union Square location, Swirl and Slice is the perfect spot to pick up some picnic-fare for an estival afternoon or for a romantic dinner. Though there was a “steady stream of visitors through the night,” Graney adds that many of them had stumbled upon the market. She expects that “as word spreads, the audience will continue to grow as the season progresses.”
In addition to providing Somerville locals with mouth-watering food, Swirl and Slice gives clients the opportunity to learn the facets of the businesses that they are interested in. As the best information can only be gleaned from the vendors themselves, the Swirl and Slice Tasting Table offers workshops highlighting different locally produced goods every week.
This past Thursday, Colleen Hein of Eastern Standard lead an introduction to local wines. Graney comments on the launch of the Tasting Table, calling it “a hit.” According to her, upcoming workshops this summer include “a whole range of events…from herbs to the ins and outs of wine pairings, from creating a charcuterie plate to reasons to love stinky cheeses.” In particular, she is looking forward to Swirl and Slice’s “first chocolate theme night,” when several different chocolate producers will be welcomed. She adds, “From bars to bonbons, we’ll have something for every sweet tooth!”
Swirl And Slice will be open every Thursday evening from 5-8 p.m., until September 20.
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