‘Threshold’ is a unique performance art experience, exploring themes of life and love. – Photo by Scott Chasteen, Photographer of The Boston Circus Guild
By Cathleen Twardzik
The Boston Circus Guild (BCG), a Somerville-based organization, will hold its most ambitious production yet on June 28 and 29 from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at the Arts At The Armory performance hall. Threshold will combine dance, music and circus arts.
“This show isn’t your traditional cavalcade of circus talents,” said Chuck Lechien, Jr., Creative Director of The Boston Circus Guild. He is known as The Rev. Handsome Chuck. “It will employ these kind of expressions in order to look at how we connect and explore our lives and loves with other people.”
“We’ve made sure to explore all of the dynamics of life and love, including times that are playful, flirty and even silly. You will recognize moments from your own life, and people you knew, or even perhaps once were,” he said.
Although Threshold does not contain any mature content, it is not a kid’s show. Five acrobats will explore the dimensions of space between people, moments of suspension and connection, and the anticipation of moving in and out of relationships with each other.
You will watch lovers walk on air before their first kiss, lift each other up and hold each other back, and tie themselves in knots about romantic entanglements.
Set to an original score of live music, Threshold features breathtaking group acrobatics, aerials, contortion and hand balancing, which will enthrall the audience.
“Additionally, the music for this show has also gone in a different direction from past shows. We usually use the music of Emperor Norton’s Stationary Marching Band, which is BCG circus band, as performed by the full 15 piece band,” said Lechien.
“For Threshold, the band is half the size and has been deconstructing and experimenting
with new instrumental arrangements of their brand new material,” he said.
“However, people who are familiar with the band should expect to hear a sound that is
much different than the band’s usual brass band based repertoire.”
This is the organization’s most ambitious project because, “Threshold is intended as more thought-provoking and engaging with weightier issues than we have in the past. Our shows have had large casts, many of whom only performed one act per show. ”
In comparison, Threshold has a cast of five individuals, all of whom will participate in four to five acts, as well as in all of the ensemble theatrical elements. However, the entire cast will partake in all of the acrobatics in the show in some way.
BCG emerged in 2009. Its purpose was partially to create more work and performance opportunities for artists, musicians and circus performers in Boston. The organization is a collaboration of over fifty musicians, circus performers, dancers, artists and event producers.
Last year, the organization’s first large performance in Somerville occurred. That show was entitled Reign of Revelry.
BCG members perform on a regular basis at prominent events and venues throughout New England, which include the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Pfizer, Cirque du Soleil and The Boston Bruins Foundation.
BCG produces its own original shows, and it is available for hire for special occasions, corporate events, weddings and festivals.
What is the most rewarding part of being in the circus for Lechien?
“Honestly, I’ve committed my life to doing this, which means working at all times of day seven days a week. I’ve never been involved in something that I’ve found this deeply satisfying on so many levels. If I had to pick two though, firstly, it would be getting to work with so many talented people who are dedicated to pushing their boundaries as artists in order to create meaningful entertainment,” said Lechien.
“It’s presenting a performance like this to an audience and learning about what they take away from it. Among other reasons, we do circus because it’s fun, but ultimately, what we inspire in our audience is what keeps us working so hard at this.”
“People should come to the show, sign up for our mailing list, and stay in touch. We’ll have more shows, more events and more spectacular entertainment for many years to come,” he said.
Visit http://bostoncircusguild.com/performances.php for more information and to view the promotional video.
Tickets cost $25 to $15 in advance and $35 to $25 at the door.
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