Newstalk for Wednesday January 30th 2008

On January 30, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Last weeks Board of Aldermen meeting was interesting – the main subject being Russell Disposal’s new one-year contract. We almost had the possibility of no rubbish pickup because of Aldermen like Gewirtz, White, Sullivan and Trane. We hear that the Mayor was very upset over Alderman Trane and his vote change at the last minute. Apparently Russell is under investigation by the AG’s office for unfair labor practices – charges that the Local 25 Union is hurling at Russell‚Ķ  What ever happened to you’re innocent until proven guilty? It’s an investigation, not a trial people. 


Two things you don’t do in Somerville if you’re a Politician – 1. Don’t collect the rubbish and 2. Don’t plow the streets.         


It appears that Somerville may become an “All American City” again. In 1972, when Mayor S. Lester Ralph was in office, the city had that designation and a lot of us back then couldn’t figure out why it was Рwe even have pictures of the All American City Parade that year (which was huge). A lot of us here at Newstalk think that it’s about time and the city deserves it.


Somerville residents Bosudeb D. Majumder, Pearlie M. Aviles, Jessica L. Oliveira and Matt S. Young all made the Deans List at LaSalle College this past fall – congratulations to them all for their hard work.


All the Ward Democratic Committees are having their meetings this Saturday at various locations around the city. These are the meetings that Delegates are selected from each ward to go to the State Convention in Lowell later this spring. They have strict rules; doors open at 10am and will close at 10:15am – so if you want to go you need to be on time. Go to the City Democratic Ward Committee website for locations – Hopefully the various Ward Chairs will rush to the site and fill in the location/time for this Saturday – it appears none of the Wards are updated.


The Green Line station location design and impact are having various discussions in the city, the Somerville Chamber is on top of iy and has put out flyers for community input, you can go to their web site to read up on the various meetings around the city.


Don’t forget the United States Air Force Liberty Jazz Band concert at Somerville High School on Wednesday Feb. 6th – it’s free to the public and starts at 7pm.


On the topic of who might be running against who this year here in Somerville – we heard a new one – that Board of Alderman President Dennis Sullivan was eyeing the Sheriff’s position, as well as Senator – but that was given to us by another alderman who is friendly with Dennis, so its probably to throw us off. The other rumor still around is about both Alderman Bob Trane and Alderman Sean O’Donovan running for State Representative – at least from Somerville. We hear someone in Medford now with a popular name is aiming his or her sights on Carl (I ‚Äúmiss the mark‚Äù Representative, according to the Herald) Sciortino. One of the bloggers made a comment that Bob just barely won re-election – we call winning by almost 300 votes is more than ‚Äúbarely‚Äù, no matter how it’s spun.


The Massachusetts Primary is fast approaching – at Newstalk we’re predicting an Obama win easily on the Democratic side and Romney winning on the Republican side – probably not too far out on a limb on that last one‚Ķ


Somerville’s own Jimmy Del Ponte will be appearing/performing at Bickford’s Grille – located at 6 Cambridge Street, Burlington this Saturday, February 2nd from 7pm to 11pm.


A special workshop on cyber-bullying will be the focus of a presentation by Dr. Brian Cavanaugh of the Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office on Thursday, January 31 starting at 6pm at the Argenziano School. This is a very important topic for children, parents and other interested members of the community – which has been organized in conjunction with the Somerville Public School Department.


Appears that Torpedo Lady at the DPW has been letting people know that she just might be the new department head at the Sewer Dept. – her boss just let the city know he’s retiring – but we hear it from sources down at the DPW that her being the boss is virtually impossible, since its an appointed position, not union.


It seems someone found a comment on the blog they didn’t think was very nice and now they want us to do away with the whole thing. Ok we’ll take that under advisement but we’re probably not going to limit anyone’s speech no matter how much the progressives don’t like what they say. If you want to be known as a crusader for setting limits on what people can say in this community so be it but understand that you’re joining some dangerous company, progressives.


This past Sunday, Middlesex County Sheriff James V. DiPaola hosted his annual Sheriff’s Association Breakfast at the Hilton in Woburn. Among the five hundred plus overflowing crowd that attended were special guest dignitaries Рour new Police Chief Anthony Halloway and Somerville Police Captain Michael Cabral Рrepresenting our fine city. About one hundred new Deputy Sheriff’s were sworn in as well.


Rumor has it that former candidate for Alderman at Large Elio LoRusso is planning another run for office but this time he’s going after one the “Progressive” candidates that he supported in the past, but now feels like they’re not living up to the job. A lot of people are now waking up here in the district Рthat the so called “Progressive” candidates only care about their issues and not the bread and butter issues that affect all of us daily here in Somerville.


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