The 2012 version of Somerville’s historic Sunsetters held auditions Monday night.
The 2012 version of Somerville’s historic Sunsetters held auditions Monday night in the Somerville High School auditorium. A lot of seasoned Sunsetters showed up as well as some new faces. Back for his fourth year as director, Jimmy Del Ponte told us it was tougher this year because the bar has been raised. Jimmy said, “The Sunsetters have a reputation dating back to the 70’s of providing quality performances and we try to carry on that tradition. This year the songs are more difficult. The dances will also be more intricate this year. The rehearsals are the real deal and they promise to be quite grueling. Grueling but fun.”
Project STAR, Somerville’s summer theatre camp, serves as a preparation for The Sunsetters. Once again this year there are several STAR actors entering The Sunsetters. A few actors participate in Project STAR and The Sunsetters simultaneously. You can see The Sunsetters perform at the annual fireworks celebration, Artbeat, and on the streets of Somerville. Check out the Project STAR registration info on the city’s website under recreation. If you would like to request a Sunsetter performance on your street, call the mayor’s office at 617-625-6600 ext. 2100.
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