Whether you use it as a noun or an adjective, the word ‚Äúprogressive‚Äù means pretty much the same thing – movement forward with new ideas and in different directions than the ‚Äústatus quo.‚Äù We find the Progressive Democrats of Somerville, especially those behind it, lacking when it comes to truly progressive ideas in the community – in fact, the PDS should not go by the moniker ‚Äúprogressive‚Äù at all.
Maybe it would be different if they as a group didn’t turn into the very people they originally set out to unseat politically – but they did. Too bad. Youth and liberal ideas do not a progressive group make, period.
By being progressive, you shouldn’t be afraid of looking at anything which would produce change – and you shouldn’t be afraid of self-evaluation every so often. So we ask the question – given the correct definition of the word ‚Äúprogressive,‚Äù what exactly has the PDS done that is ‚Äúforward thinking‚Äù, ‚Äúinnovative‚Äù or even ‚Äúdevelopmentally pioneering‚Äù? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Liberal, yes. Progressive, no.
Years ago, there were many politically active groups in this city – Somerville United Neighborhoods, Somerville Tenants Union and the Ward Civic Associations (to name a few) – these groups were the real ground breaking, politically innovative organizations, not just a bunch of flash in the pan, young, hipster, metro-sexual, arrogant asses like we have running around this city, pretending to be effecting change – and not even doing a good job pretending at that.
Want to know what the only true ‚Äúprogressive‚Äù (based on the real definition) group in the city is – some 20 plus years after its inception? The Choice Program/Council (which is based at the Healey School). You probably never heard of it – and that’s a shame. These are the visionaries and pioneers of advancing education, teaching and yes, parenting – these are the only real ‚Äúprogressives‚Äù around this city – and if any of them have been fooled by the PDS and its banjo and tambourine show, then maybe they should start their own political movement and start reaching further into the underbelly of the local political system.
Oh and by the way, since we are being technical about definitions and whatnot – the Progressive Party was an offshoot of the Republican Party in 1912. That’s right – the Republican Party. Okay, maybe it only came about because Teddy Roosevelt was bitchy about losing the nomination of the Republican Party to Howard Taft – but maybe there’s a hidden correlation between that then and the PDS of today. Think about it.
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