Students at the Argenziano School along with Somerville Kiwanians Bob Nissenbaum and Gene Brune
The Kiwanis Club of Somerville is in the midst of its sponsorship of a program entitled “Historical Perspectives for Children” which is a mentoring program for children. This year approximately 600 children will see one of these performances each of which runs 40 minutes and is a multi-media, one person show by a professional actor telling the biography of a famous person. The line-up includes Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman & Amelia Earhart. These famous people all had one thing in common: they started out as kids and never had any idea how much they would accomplish or how famous they would be. The lesson to the student audience is “you can accomplish a lot as well and maybe even be a famous person someday”.
Somerville Kiwanians Bob Nissenbaum and Gene Brune told us “we had the pleasure of seeing the Historical Perspective for Children’s performance of Harriet Tubman on April 4 at the Argenziano School at Lincoln Park. It was exceptional! The actress portraying Tubman did a great job! It made us proud to be Somerville Kiwanians as we raised the funds to sponsor this program! The students loved the professional performance and were most attentive. The storyline reinforced good values, but didn’t skip over hard-times. There were great questions from the children. A performance by “Abraham Lincoln” took place on April 3 at the Winter Hill Community School. Additional performances are scheduled for the East Somerville Community School at Edgerly and the Brown School.
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