The View From Prospect Hill – March 28

On March 28, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Common sense, common decency, and the most fundamental knowledge of municipal regulations should provide the average citizen with the clear understanding that one does not ride a bicycle on a public sidewalk unless there is clear official signage stating that this is permissible. Under no circumstances, short of prevention of imminent injury, should this ever happen.

Still, we are hearing of ongoing problems involving cyclists utilizing pedestrian walkways, often causing much anxiety and fear of injury to those very pedestrians for whom those sidewalks were intended.

This is indeed ironic, considering the fact that the primary purpose of the sidewalk is to provide a zone of safety that separates pedestrians from vehicular traffic. Add a moving vehicle into the safety zone and that sense of safety is no longer in effect. This is not rocket science.

We understand and sympathize with cyclists’ needs and concerns. More bicycle lanes would provide the safety and convenience that they also require. Adding them to our streets can be costly and difficult, yet the city continues to do so. We would like to see cyclists return the favor by obeying long established laws and respecting those whose rights are just as sacrosanct as their own.

A senior citizen or disabled person has little or no chance of dodging an oncoming bike as it wends its way through the public walkway. Nor should these innocent parties be put through the worry of it. Ever.

It’s a no-brainer. Show some brains. Have a heart. Do what’s right. OK?


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