The Somerville connection

On March 3, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

On The Silly Side by Jimmy Del Ponte 

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a trivia game based on the concept of the small world phenomenon, and rests on the assumption that any individual involved in the Hollywood California film industry can be linked through his or her film roles to actor Kevin Bacon within six steps. (Thank you Wikipedia)

If you grew up in Somerville or spent at least the last 20 or 30 years here, you my friend are linked with more people than you think. This would be a great reason to take a deep breath before you curse someone out in traffic. Chances are that you know them or they know you.

I bumped into Somerville’s official barber and all round nice guy Tony Alibrandi yesterday at Y-Not variety on Morrison Ave. My connection with Tony is that he used to cut my dad’s and most of my uncles’ hair. Then I went home and called my friend and colleague Rick Saunders who is the illustrious music director for the city’s schools. I met Rick over 20 years ago when he played in a band with a fellow musician friend. That musician friend has a son who works for the Somerville DPW who I have been pals with since he was eight years old.

It turns out that the woman whose family my parents bought our house from in 1961 is the grandmother of one of my son’s fellow students. Her private little sitting room (formerly known as a sewing room), with walls plastered with 1950’s teen heart throbs, is the very room I am typing this story in right now. It goes on and on.

I work with a woman whose sister I dated in the early 1970’s, but it doesn’t end there. We found out that we have cousins in common. Oh, and another cousin of hers is a much respected school administrator and very nice guy.

I have a friend on the fire department who is stationed at the same engine company that my uncle Joe spent many years at. Our kids are in the same class and his sister is one of my former radio partner’s best friends. Every time I see Engine Seven I think of my uncle. People in the city are still talking about what a great guy Joe the glass man was.

A teenager back in 1980 used to sit around with a bunch of his friends and listen to a band called Fly By Nite rehearse in a cellar on Brastow Ave. One of the guys was a nut who used to change the words of the songs and do silly cartoon voices. Six years later that kid gets a job at a radio station and asks the silly singer to come in and record some crazy stuff. Because that kid was an astute Somerville visionary, he hooked me up and I enjoyed a 23 year radio career on four different Boston stations. (you didn’t think I could write an article without tooting my own horn did you?) Want more? It turned out that my sister knew his brother long before we ever met. I still see the brother around Somerville.

Two of my junior high and high school friends ended up getting married. One of my sons had the wife as a teacher, and the husband retired last year after a stellar career, also as a high school administrator. A guy from that same class is a Somerville police officer. I have another old friend who is also a cop. He used to be quite the dancer, singer and actor when we were members of Project STAR in the 60’s.

My last connection story starts at a Davis Square Somerville nightclub back in the 80’s. I met this gentleman who needed a partner to do a karaoke act. I was recommended to him by a fellow musician. We did our act for a while and then went our separate ways but kept in touch. Fast forward about 30 years and yadda, yadda ,yadda his grandson is now a fan favorite on the national talent show The Voice. Because of that union 30 years ago, my sons and I have been hanging out with the talented grandson, talking and writing music and goofing around, and basking in his new and exciting celebrity status. Who knows what opportunities may come our way from a chance union in a Somerville club over 30 years ago?

The Somerville connection is a strong one. It stays with you forever. A Somerville friend is a friend forever. I love my old ‘Villen friends and look forward to meeting new ones. Just be careful who you freak out on because there’s a good chance they probably know you.


Jimmy is available to host your event, play music, or just spice up any party or function. Call 617-623-0554 or


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