Somerville Seniors Rock!

On February 11, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

On The Silly Side by Jimmy Del Ponte 

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

Everyone is familiar with The Sunsetters. They are Somerville’s historic summer-time song and dance troupe that has been around the ‘Ville since the 1970’s. After it disappeared for many years, Mayor Curtatone resurrected the storied group. I am proudly looking forward to my fourth season as The Sunsetters’ director. Many people have often mentioned, somewhat in jest, that there should be a Sunsetters type group for adults. I always thought that was a great idea.

Well, this past September, that group was formed. The Council on Aging’s director, Cindy Hickey, said, “Let’s do it.” With the help of Council staff members Janine, Lisa, Connie, Eleanor and Flo, we formed the group, and the rest is history.

Somerville’s Swinging Singing Seniors was born. Our elite senior population made it a reality that quickly turned into an exciting and enjoyable venture. We started meeting on Mondays and next thing you know, we are performing and having a blast.

We picked out some classic standards and began rehearsing once a week. The holidays were approaching so we learned a few popular Christmas songs that the group suggested. Right off the bat it we had lot of laughs. Then, all of a sudden, our first gig! We were invited to sing in Alderman Tom Taylors’s Holiday in the ‘Ville show at the Somerville Theatre. It was a big gig and they handled it with ease. It was filmed by Somerville City Cable and they showed it over and over during the Christmas season. Thanks to word of mouth and the TV exposure we were also invited to perform at the Visiting Nurses on Lowell Street’s Christmas party. We aced that show also.

News of the Swinging Singing Seniors started spreading and suddenly they have become in demand. This week we are rolling out on our first “tour” or road trip if you will. We even have our own “tour bus!”  Okay it’s just one of those buses that pick up and drop off our seniors to their many activities, but we will be sure to rock that ride.

We never have the same exact cast, but maintain a core group. That’s because Somerville’s seniors are the busiest people I have ever met. They’re either at one of the many Council on Aging activities, Foxwoods, Atlantic City, or Florida. For that reason we always welcome newcomers.

As director, I have a lot of laughs. We are like a bunch of kids just having fun. We enjoy each other’s company and there is a lot of cutting up and goofing around at our rehearsals and shows.

One of our upcoming performances will have a special guest joining us. At the Council on Aging’s Valentines party, our own Mayor Joe Curtatone will add his pipes to our chorus. A well known pro at karaoke, Joe will have no problem blending in with the group.

One of my favorite things to do with the gang is changing the words of songs. The cast gets a kick out of it and I can easily crack then up. That’s half the fun. I also get to sing the opening of That’s Amore. We are also proud to have some members of the 2009 All America City delegation in our ranks.

We are going out on the road this week and are excited about visiting other VNA’s, Senior Centers, and assisted living facilities in surrounding cities. We will be hitting Somerville, Medford and Revere. Word has it that Somerville’s Swinging Singing Seniors will also perform at the city’s annual gala July 4 festivities at Trum Field.

Drop-ins are welcome at our rehearsals. For more info call the Council on Aging at 617-625-6600 extension 2300. Be sure to check out Somerville Council on Aging on Facebook. I would list the names of the singers but I haven’t cleared it with their agents!


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