Newstalk – December 28

On December 28, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Happy New Year to all our readers and fans. We hope that everyone has a great New Year in 2012 and that the economy gets better.


This Sunday, January 1, is the 236th Anniversary of the “Grand Union” Flag Raising. George Washington stood on Prospect Hill on January 1, 1776, watching the British. The ceremony will begin with a march from City Hall to the monument on Prospect Hill at 11:30 a.m. with the ceremony beginning at 12 noon. Join with Mayor Joe Curtatone at the ceremony. Again, this year’s ceremony was planned by the Historic Preservation Commission. Director Brandon Wilson is the host.


The New Year starts right off on Monday evening at 6 p.m. with the city’s inaugural ceremony with the Mayor and both the Board of Aldermen and School Committee being sworn into office. The ceremony will take place over at the Centennial Auditorium at the High School. Immediately following is a reception at the Center for Arts at the Armory at 191 Highland Avenue.


Happy Birthdays this week go out to everyone celebrating here in the ‘Ville and wherever they may be dispersed around the nation. Greetings go out to John Caruso, politically active here in the city, and to Terri Latta, a friend of the News. Also, best wishes to Joseph Amaral of the Amaral Group, a local company owned by a local guy, and to George Carvalho, as well as Sharon Levine Gannon, who is from the ‘Ville but now lives over there in Medford.


Don’t forget the snow emergency procedures for the city, which reminds us all they are going to be aggressively going after those that don’t adhere to the city’s ordinances. No parking on even numbered sides of most streets. No parking in any spot for more than 48 hours, and please remember the requirements for shoveling and de-icing sidewalks and, of course, the prohibition against shoveling snow into public roadways. A full list of city regulations may be found at or simply by calling 311.


Being sworn into office this Monday night is Tony LaFaunte, who recently was elected to the Ward 4 Alderman seat now being vacated by Walter Pero. We wish Tony the best of luck. Hopefully he will work on getting the vacant storefront at the old Stars occupied. Winter Hill needs a face lift.


Mark your calendar for Thursday, January 12, from 6 to 8 p.m. when at the Precinct Bar in Union Square the PDS will be holding their meeting to elect new officers. We’re assuming it’s open to the general public and to anyone that might have and interest to either join or observe. We will have someone taking notes to see who gets elected.


The public is welcomed this Saturday morning, January 31, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., as the Adonai Bible Center will be hosting a free breakfast at the Lion’s clubhouse on New Washington Street behind the Holiday Inn.


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