Sandy Beach is Shannon Beach now

On September 18, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By George P. HassettShannon_2

The beach where Charles E. Shannon swam as a child will now bear his name.

Sandy Beach was renamed Shannon Beach on Saturday as friends, family and colleagues of the late senator came together to honor him not only as an elected official willing to help a constituent, but also as a good friend.

State Rep. Paul Donato, D-Medford, who helped pass the legislation to rename the beach, said it was a fitting tribute to Shannon “who loved the outdoors, worked to give our youth opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and loved life.”

Shannon represented Winchester, Somerville and Medford between 1991 and 2005. He ran as a Republican in the traditionally Democratic region but was elected after knocking on every door in the district.At Saturday’s ceremony Shannon’s wife Dorothy read a poem that described him as a towering figure always ready to help a friend, or stranger, in need. His son, Chuck Shannon, said of the new Shannon Beach, ‚ÄúThis is something my father would have loved. Except for the name, he might have been a little bent about that.‚Äù

Shannon’s former chief of staff, Sean Fitzgerald said, ‚ÄúIt’s an entirely fitting and beautiful tribute to what was arguably one of the best public officials the district has ever known.‚Äù



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