Nstar denied work permits by city

On December 28, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Andrew Firestone

After some urging from Stan Koty, director of the Somerville Department of Public Works, the Somerville Board of Aldermen has refused to issue any work permits to NStar Electric until they negotiate a proper resolution to the constant power outages, unfinished street paving and unresponsive streets lights. This means that, until they have made proper concessions to the City, no new work will be done.

According to Tom Champion, City Spokesman, the issue arose in a committee meeting of Public Utilities and Public Works on Dec. 20. Koty said that, with over 100 street repairs unfinished, the necessary action would be to deny NStar the right to work. The only work that can be done is emergency work, according to the City.

Alderman Sean O’Donovan of Ward 5, who chairs the committee, was quick to note that this was not the first time NStar had been remiss of their duties in Somerville. In September of 2010, NSTAR was called before the BOA to answer for a string of 16 power outages over the course of five months. Since then, there have also been reports of a natural gas leak, and an incident in which a company truck ignited in flame, stranding a worker to hang on a power line.

Aldermen complained that higher income towns and cities, such as Brookline and Newton received speedier treatment from Nstar, and were tired of hearing of the same problems over many years.

“It’s Nstar’s intention to actively work with the city of Somerville to resolve any issues that remain an obstacle for us to do business in the city,” said Nstar spokeswoman Annemarie Walsh in a statement.



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