The View From Prospect Hill

On September 27, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Prospect_hill_tower_1_3_8The Urban Ring, from its inception, has been all about connecting people, businesses and areas together. The possibility of connecting the largest mixed-use development (Assembly Square) in the history of New England within this ring is vital to maximize the potential of the development – especially when considering the access to Logan Airport, biotech companies along the corridor and direct travel into the core of Downtown Boston.

There will be different ‚Äúoptions‚Äù offered by the Executive Office of Transportation – some we will like and others we won’t like at all. The latest iteration (option) presented, which would essentially terminate the Urban Ring at Sullivan Square, would be a huge loss for Assembly Square and for the City of Somerville as a whole.

Sure, there will be ‚Äúservice‚Äù from Sullivan to Assembly – but we all know that can mean a hundred different things. The city says it hasn’t abandoned the idea of the Urban Ring, but it doesn’t help the Oliver Stones of the city when someone from the Boston Redevelopment Authority makes a snide little snippet alluding to Somerville’s non-interest in the project and its connection to our city.

Somerville is finally coming into its own – Assembly Square is finally seeing the light of day, the Green Line is going to be extended through to Route 16 and there might be a stadium of some sort on the Innerbelt. These are all good things, coupled with the real estate market not being as volatile as the suburbs and a city administration that is finally focused on the larger picture of smart, long-term development.

Hopefully our city leaders will fight to have the Urban Ring at the very least terminate in Assembly Square – and continue the long-term vision which will allow us as a community to become less and less dependent on state aid and bolster our own economic stability for future generations.


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