Ryan Anthony Perez
On November 1 Somerville Police responded to a disturbance at the YMCA at 101 Highland Avenue. Upon their arrival, officers learned that a female had observed an unknown suspect who had been secretly taking photos from behind a bathroom stall while she was changing her clothes. A second woman, who had just left the women’s locker room minutes earlier was also present. After getting a description of the suspect, a search of the YMCA resulted in locating the suspect in the men’s locker room. He was identified as Ryan Anthony Perez, age 24, who at the time, was a resident at the YMCA. Perez admitted being in the women’s locker room but said it was all a misunderstanding. Perez had a cell phone in his possession but denied taking any pictures. The phone was seized as part of this investigation.
Perez was initially charged in Somerville District Court with annoying and accosting a person sexually, and Photographing, Video-recording or Electronically Surveilling a Partially Nude or Nude Person.
A subsequent search of Perez’s cell phone pursuant to a search warrant led to the identification of three Somerville victims who had been secretly video recorded. In addition, images of other similar potential victims were also recovered. Those incidents appear to have taken place outside of Somerville. Somerville Police have been working with other Police agencies relative to that part of the investigation.
Additional charges will be filed at a future date.
(from the Somerville Police Dept.)
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