Bush thanks Somerville soldier for service

On December 2, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Paul Savage, of Somerville, received a phone call from President George
W. Bush on Thanksgiving Day, thanking him for his service to the nation.

By George P. Hassett

George W. Bush called a Somerville Marine on Thanksgiving Day to thank
him for his service and sacrifice. Bush made the call, on his last
Thanksgiving in office, from Camp David in Maryland.

Sgt. Paul
Savage, of Fairfax Street, was one of 11 U.S. soldiers Bush called,
according to White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. Bush told the troops
that he was proud of their service and thanked them for their courage,
according to the White House.

Savage's father, Paul Savage Sr.,
said Bush spoke with his son, for "4 or 5 minutes" and said, "thank you
for stepping up to the plate and fighting for your country."

is stationed in Afghanistan, his third tour of duty after two
nine-month stints in Iraq, after suffering injuries in a June 10
roadside bombing.

Savage and four other U.S. soldiers were hurt
in the attack. Savage suffered injuries to his knee, leg, hip and back.
He was honored as a local hero by aldermen in July.

Since he was
hurt, Savage has been out of combat in a secure part of Afghanistan,
providing real-time analysis of the enemy threat in order to give
commanders a clear picture of the battle space, according to the White

Savage achieved dean's list honors and received his
Bachelor's degree in law from Salem State College in 2004. Then, while
pursuing his Master's degree there, he suddenly decided to enlist.

Sr. said, "[Paul] came home one day and said, 'Dad. I'm going to the
Marines." I thought he was fooling. He had never said a word [before

Savage will finish his tour of duty this month when he returns to a Marine base in California.

father, Paul Savage Sr., said Savage called him immediately after
talking with the president. "He told me not to tell anyone, they'll
think we're full of it," Savage Sr. said.


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