The View From Prospect Hill

On December 3, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

year has flown by for all of us – not just here at The Somerville News,
but everyone we talk to. It's the week after Thanksgiving and we are
still remembering things we want to give thanks for. Sure we could list
them off, one by one, some we would be sincerely thankful for and
others we would be thankful only in a particularly snarky and facetious
manner – but we will leave that for another time.

As we stood
there Tuesday evening in the chilly air waiting for Santa to arrive at
City Hall with dozens of children and parents running around – a
conversation was struck up with someone who isn't a particular friend
of Mayor Joe. Loosely translated, the consensus was that there was no
possible way to complain about city money being spent on the tree
lighting ceremony and the reception inside City Hall afterwards.

this evening, we were thankful that the weather cooperated, that there
was parking, that so many children came out, that Santa finally arrived
and last but not least, that the tree lit up this year on cue. There
was much to be thankful for, and little to complain about. That's a
nice feeling.

This event, like the fireworks in the summer, is a
way for us as a community to come together, put aside our differences
and share time away from the politics, the game playing, the nastiness,
the whatever you want to call it "friction" of our daily lives. This is
an event that instills pride in us as a community and makes you
genuinely smile as you watch the faces of the children light up.

wish there could be many more celebrations throughout the year that
deepen the roots of our community, but quite frankly, we are thankful
for what we can get. Thank you Mayor Joe.


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